Would you buy animal tested products?


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Jun 25, 2014

Shaye M.

I don't use animal tested products, there may be some brands I have that I haven't checked on but I'm positive that my powder foundations aren't tested on animals and I think that's the way all makeup should be. I don't care if it's only "rats and mice" that they're testing on, I own rats as PETS and even though they're small they have a little life and feel pain too and I would never want an animal to feel that deliberately OR accidentally. I'm very, very against animal cruelty. Test it on the people that think animal cruelty for the purpose of making makeup is fine, just my opinion though. 👌

Jun 25, 2014

Bec W.

Animal testing is something I'm really strongly against, I only found out about it a year or two ago and since then I have not bought a single product tested on animals.

Jun 25, 2014

Judy L.

Do all brands went through animal testing unless they have a "non-animal tested" logo printed?
Would you use products that are animal tested?
What are your thoughts about animal cruelty?

Please share! :)

Note: I am against this myself and do not own any products which are tested by animals. this is just a post to share thoughts. 

Jun 25, 2014

Ciciii C.

I think there going to delete this thread , maybe. But I think they should stop that , the only animal I think they should use is rats n mice?

Jun 25, 2014

Judy L.

I am against it but the thing is not all brands have it printed on their labels and it can be hard for me.

Jun 25, 2014

Noelle M.

I don't know if I would or even if I do. I don't like to this about this stuff even though most of the animals they test it on or rats , mice probably others but its still soo sad their living too and don't enjoy pain

Jun 25, 2014

Maria K.

Not all, some don't say but they don't test.
No I wouldn't. Before buying a new product, I check online to see if it is tested on animals, and if it's not, then I buy it.
I think animal cruelty is unecessary specially in makeup and cosmetics. Those poor animals don't have the same skin as us. Maybe some product mekes their skin red but not to humans, because our Ph is different from theirs and our skin too.

Never have and never will accept it☺️🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰🐨🐻🐵🐤🐥🐣💕

Jun 25, 2014

Maggie S.

I don't know about the first question.
I will not buy animal tested products, not even MAC (ok mostly not)! I think that testing on animals is wrong. Think about all the people who would willingly sign up to test a new MAC lipgloss, regardless of side effects. It's not fair to the animal and it's not fair to the consumer.
I am against animal cruelty. I look at my pets, and honestly couldn't imagine anyone ever hurting them or any animal for that fact. It seems kind of sick to me to want to hurt animals.

Jun 25, 2014

Noelle M.

Sorry I meant. I don't know if I do use animal tested products but I don't like to talk about this stuff*

Jun 25, 2014

Alyx T.

PETA has two lists of all bigger known companies, those who test on animals and those who don't. Some websites don't show the logo, but don't test on animals.
I personally do not use brands that I know test on animals, but if I don't know the brand or see a new product, I'll still buy the product and look when I get home, if they test on animals I don't buy it again.

Another thing to watch out for is parent brands. I personally do not go that far, because it rules out tons of brands I use everyday. But parent companies (think companies who own tons of companies, like la senza is owned by the same company as the body shop and Victoria's Secret) sometimes buy brands that don't test on animals, but they do. The company they buy usually does not start testing on animals, but they are owned by a company that does. I hope this makes sense lol.

Jun 25, 2014

Lynzie B.

My beauty bunny has a list that might help you find what your looking for.

Jun 25, 2014

Grace K.

Test on the fucking rapists, child molestors, the real scum. Not innocent animals.
Also YESSSS pretty much every single time a product doesn't specifically say it wasn't tested on animals, it means it was. However you could always use Google to check.

Jun 25, 2014

Grace K.

And tbh animals and humans don't have the same DNA, something that affects animals isn't going to affect humans the same way. It's unreliable & there are no laws or regulations saying things need to be tested on animals here.

Jun 25, 2014

Shaye M.

Agree with everything grace said. Lol this subject gets me mad just thinking about it.

Jun 25, 2014

Lindsay M.

Really, unless there is more of an outburst in stepping up for these animals, the brands will continue to test on animals no matter if you buy them or not. So really, unless we can start a rebellion against animal cruelty, you can't change what these companies do to make their products. I am against animal testing, but I can't stop it.

Jun 25, 2014

Kat A.

I don't like that some companies test on animals, it makes me angry & really upset. if I see something on tv about it I fight back tears, but I am really emotional lol. I don't have that much makeup, but I never really got into checking out what brands test on animals & which don't. I might own makeup that tested on animals :/

Jun 25, 2014

Bec W.

If you feel strongly about it, PETA do some great campaigns and petitions although it can be quite confronting.

Jun 25, 2014

Emily B.

I say I'm against animal testing and I am in my heart, but I don't research every product I buy to make sure I'm not supporting a company that tests on animals... :/ if I knew before hand and a company was the talk of the town I wouldn't buy it, but otherwise I grab stuff at the store without thinking twice. Probably pretty hypocritical

Jun 25, 2014

Emily B.

I'm pretty much like you, Kat! Haha

Jun 25, 2014

Dereanna D.

I'm 100% against, regardless of the animal they're testing on. It's disgusting in my opinion.

Jun 25, 2014

Courtney J.

I'll be pretty honest here, and I am trying to be respectful in anyway possible. I do have products tested on animals. It's not like I look on the labels and try to find if it's cruelty free. Personally I am not all for testing on animals in no way, but it's not something I emphasize much in my daily life. I do have a few beauty items that are cruelty free, but that as far as it goes. I sound like a big hypocrite right now, but I am just saying how I personally feel about this topic. :(

Jun 25, 2014

Megan F.

Is anyone on here a vegetarian? I am and I'm proud of it! I also hate buying products tested on animals but it is hard to avoid all the time. I wish they would test products on criminals instead! Not innocent animals that are nothing like us!

Jun 25, 2014

Gypsy S.

Grace babes, you said it girl!! I agree with ya 110% 👍

Jun 25, 2014

Carolina L.

I agree with Renay and Courtney. I'm against it but I don't do my research on products which I should.

Jun 25, 2014

Diana T.

I'm also against animal testing and try to be conscious about the brands that I buy and do my research regarding it - but sometimes I can't help the animal tested products are usually very cheap and when I'm in a pinch I do buy them sometimes but I personally was trying to find a good home for my cat after we were planning to move to Germany and could only bring 2 cats with us (military) and someone had the nerve to message me and ask if they could use my cat for animal testing cosmetic products n they ended the email with "after the testing we will deal with the animal humanely" I was like wtf!? Hell no!! So ever since then I really make a conscious decision to purchase non-animal tested products.