Appropriate age to wear crop tops.


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Jun 25, 2014

Emilie W.

You can wear a crop top, there's nothing wrong with wearing a crop top, really...

Jun 25, 2014

Emilie W.


Jun 25, 2014

Mikaela L.

Lmfao reney okay😁 hahaha! Wearing a crop top isn't fashionable! Listen it's okay because soceity says it okay! Do your parents like you wearing crop tops? Probably not😁 If it's hot wear a tank top! People these days.. Just my beliefs and opinions and I how I was rasied😁

Jun 25, 2014

Mikaela L.

Thank you ciera!🙌

Jun 25, 2014

Mikaela L.

I didn't call anyone a hoe okay? Geez! Forget it nobody get it's! 😂

Jun 25, 2014

Mikaela L.

Yeah you too renay😂 whatver lol... No you really don't get it.. Sorry😁

Jun 25, 2014

Mikaela L.

Why are you showing your stomach though? Huh.

Jun 25, 2014

Mikaela L.

Do you no what it means it be a Christian?

Jun 25, 2014

Mikaela L.

I'm done with us.. And I figured. Everyone can still dress cute and what not and not show your stomach but there's no gods reason in the world!! 😁

Jun 25, 2014

Dereanna D.

I was raised perfectly fine. My parents are the ones who pay for my clothing. When I wear crop tops, they don't think or say anything negative of it. I'm going to be 18, like Renay said my parents don't have any say anyways. As well as, I could careless about society and what they think. I like crop tops and I wear them. That is all. I have a boyfriend who doesn't see an issue with it either. If you don't like them it's cool, but don't talk down on others who do wear them.

Jun 25, 2014

Regan N.

Mikaela; you brought up the point of thinking about why you're wearing a crop top. Here's a few reasons;
*it is hot. Even in the Midwest it's been ninety degrees this week! They are most often light and loose, and cool, whether you're showing skin or not.
*it IS fashionable. Keeping in mind that everyone has different fashion tastes, many women will agree that crop tops can be worn in a classy, cute way, and often are.
*because we can. It's personal preference.
And to bring up another point, while yes, crop tops do show skin (depending on how they're worn), there are many other things that show skin that most do not bat an eye at. Large cutouts in dresses or skirts, short shorts, and short dresses and skirts, to name a few. Showing skin isn't a crime. It's okay to embrace and love your body, and want to show it off. While you may not agree with how some choose to do so, it is not your place, nor mine, nor anyone's to judge and call them a 'hoe'. The only clothing choices that affect you are the choices you make for yourself. I don't mean to come off snide or rude in this, I might add. I just wanted to clarify some things. (:

Jun 25, 2014

Mikaela L.

Sorry honey Lutheran is not a part of it!

Jun 25, 2014

Mikaela L.

Ah good for you regan. It's not fashionable.omg I'm done 💬

Jun 25, 2014

Kendra H.

No age limit but you can modify them! Like, when I was younger I wore tank underneath or with highwaisted shorts!

Jun 25, 2014

Regan N.

*not fashionable to you

Jun 25, 2014

Mikaela L.

I'm done it's a whole different thing! Bye 👋

Jun 25, 2014

Courtney J.

I never wore crop tops before because my mother and my school dress codes. No matter how hard I try to make her let me wear them she'll just start with the looking trashy bit. Been trying to wear them since my freshman year when I saw other girls wore them, and I thought it looked fashionable and cute. Though I don't really care what other people wear I guess lol.

Jun 25, 2014

Emilie W.

She was only asking for an age..

Jun 25, 2014

Valerie C.

These threads are so damn closed minded and stupid, there is no age for wearing specific clothes. If a 12 year old girl wants to wear a crop top and her parents let her then awesome.
It's of nobodies damn business what type of clothing one wants to wear. Secondly, I think this is an utterly hypocritical topic to be discussed. People always say, " don't hate " or " don't judge ". If crop tops were not meant for " younger girls " than they wouldn't be sold to the public. Who gives a crap what one wants to wear. Will there ever be a day where people will just be quiet and stop commenting or judging on ones clothing choice?

Jun 25, 2014

katie s.

Actually there are different forms of Christianity, I'm a Lutheran Christian. I'm not against anyone but I think it's okay to wear it of you want. I mean as long as you're not showing to much skin it shouldn't be a problem and Ik girls who wear bikinis and stuff around so why not wear a crop top; it shows a lot less (: my opinion but you can think but that's my opinion (: I love them and I think anyone can rock one! And in the 10 commandments there's not one word that forbids you wearing a crop top or really anything! You can wear what you want(:

Jun 25, 2014

Ciciii C.

Woah? @Mikaela you can always say that a little nicer. And you was wrong for bringing religion in it also. Its the fashion these days and if girls wanna wear it THEY CAN. Besides I wear a crop top to the pool/beach. You don't have to be rude and negative over some fashion that you don't like. Honestly idek why you even commented acting the way that you did. That was rude , childish , and negativity.

Smh , just sad?

Jun 25, 2014

Nala H.

Wow this escalated quickly. Christianity isn't the only religion and thus the only rules to live by. Your way isn't the right way. People are free to make their own decisions.

And as for making them a target for sexual predators, how you dress as absolutely nothing to do with it. Children, infants, nuns, elder women, heck even men get sexually assaulted, your clothes will not prevent an attack. So that isn't a valid argument. Crop tops are just another fad item. Deal with it. It's not that serious. If you don't like it, stay inside and don't turn on the tv, look at a magazine, or use the internet and you'll be happy in your slut free, close minded world

Jun 25, 2014

Ciciii C.

Lol they deleted her thread.

Jun 25, 2014

Alma M.

Hello girls, this thread is completely ridiculous.You all need to re read every comment and look at all of them.I can't believe the down right disrespect going on over a piece of cloth (really?!) Its just a crop top and that's it nothing more, this crop top thread shouldn't be made into a World Premier Drama Movie.Be more productive on other threads lets move on because you have wasted time, lets not turn this into 200 comments over crop top stories.please keep in mind this is not behavior we take lightly here on Beautylish.

Jun 25, 2014

Katherine L.

Mikaela, stop degrading crop tops. They are perfectly decent and you can't change that.

Attention seeking? Really? Yes, someone could be desperate and thirsty but clothing should not be the definition of attention seeking. That's how they behave, not what they wear.

A hoe. First of all, never call someone that. Do you know their story? No. They could be a virgin and wears revealing clothes. They could wear modest clothes and be easy. And even if they sleep with a lot of people, how's that your business? Go do something else honey, save your time.

If they want to show of their bodies, let them! It might make them more confident. If you have great abs, show the world. You did those sit ups for a reason. If you have nice breasts, why hide it? They're just lumps of fat. Same applies to every body part. Do not slut shame people even if they are provocative. You don't need to care, it doesn't hurt you.