Biotin Supplement


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Aug 11, 2011

Brittney L.

Biotion works good...but what you really need is some (B-6) Its a Vitamin that benifits by putting the important PROTEINS back into your body...Hair=PROTEIN. Wa-La!
You can purchase it at any drugstore, Walmart, Walgreens, etc. Take 2-4 capsuals a day!
& to keep your ends in tip, top shape so they don't break off while ur hair is speeding up its growth, purchase some (Moroccan Oil.) Which you can buy on the internet, salon, beauty stores, etc.!
Hope I helped!! <3xoxo!

Aug 11, 2011

kathleen a.

I purchased Biotin about 4 months ago. Since then my hair has grown about 4 inches. It is really amazing. But I started noticing a difference in my hair length a month later. But it really depends on how you take care of your hair, and how damaged it is :)

Aug 9, 2011

Carly S.

So I bought some Biotin today to help my hair grow and I was just wondering if anyone knows how long I will have to take these to see a result!? Anyone know?