Brush Begginer


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I just bought a set of brushes yesterday. It’s a whole set and I think it’s like only a drugstore brand set I got here at a beauty store in the Philippines. They are pretty soft and I think there really cute.

I just got into make-up and beauty and I thought brushes would be a good start. I bought some Maybelline palates and I just want to start of small.

Before I use the brushes I want to know how to use them a little more and learn which one is which. I follow a lot of beauty bloggers and watch beauty YouTube videos about it all the time but I want to know more.

Also what about cleaning them? Is there a special soap or trick to cleaning them?
What do you recommend for them?

Thank you so much if you do help and if you have more information for me the better.


Sep 7, 2011

Maria L.

Welcome to the makeup world. :-) You're going to get loads of advice about brush care from here. I have a small bottle with alcohol in it (91%) and every day after I use a brush I spray some on a tissue and swipe my brush on it to give a super quick spot clean. Plus it dries very fast so I can switch eyeshadow colors and not always have to pick up another brush. Then every other week I do a deeper cleaning of my brushes. I run some warm water in my sink then add a dollop of a gentle cleanser (I switch between the Purity Made Simple I use to cleanse my face and baby wash), I wet the brush head then swirl it in my palm, squeeze the lather out, rinse and repeat until the suds are white. I always start with my largest brushes, and I add a bit of hair conditioner to the brush heads, let them lay flat on my sink while I move on to the smaller brushes. When I'm all done then I rinse out the conditioner from the brush heads, squeeze out the excess water with my hands then with a clean towel. Reshape them and let them dry laying flat. (you don't want any water to get into the metal part of the brush handle because it will loosen the adhesive and ruin your brush). Sometimes I wrap strips of paper towels around the brush heads to keep them nice and tight while they dry. I also have some brush guards that I got from (like mesh tubes) so I can slide the brushes in them then stand them (with the brush heads facing down) in a glass to dry. I've been doing this for about 10 years and the alcohol has never damaged any of my brush heads, and the deep cleaning process has kept my brushes in great condition (I have several brushes that are several years old). Hope this helps. 

Sep 7, 2011

Jeny W.

Maria's advice on brush care is really accurate and great advice. If you don't want to use alcohol everyday you can use a brush cleaner like MAC's brush cleaner. You want to make sure you do a deep clean every week or every other week for sure.

As for as how to use them, you don't really have to use every brush for its intended use. You can really get creative with how you use them, a lot of it is personal preference on which brush works best for you, for what you are trying to achieve. I hope that makes sense. The best way is to watch videos or look up blogs that have information about what brush is used for what.

Sep 7, 2011

Jalaina S.

Just as an add on to the above comments that are really great. When you deep clean your brushes you'll want to use some type of antibacterial soap (hand/face/liquid dish soap) to kill the bacteria that can build up on your brushes. I also use olive oil to keep the brushes moisturized. I've got a video.

Sep 7, 2011

Laura N.

I just use baby shampoo to deep clean once per week with warm water and spot clean them with a brush cleaner as needed. You can get brush cleaner anywhere. I think MAC's is $13 for 233mL. (you get a lot for the price).

get tips and advice from youtube as far as which brush is used for which and then incorporate your own techniques into the mix to get your own technique going! :)

Congrats on your new brushes!!

Sep 12, 2011

Jackie M.

thank you so much for helping! I am really learning a lot from the girls here and I really appreciate it. :)

I haven't tried my brushes but I will soon and will take your advice on the cleaning!
Thanks again! 