Toner?? What is it


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Aug 8, 2011

Louise C.

you use a tonerto close up your pores after you have washed your face it also removes any last traces of makeup and dont worry it wont break out your skin

I think that as long as you're using a gentle toner, you can use it morning/night. The Badescu Cucumber toner that Gracey mentioned is verrryyyyyy gentle. 

Aug 8, 2011

Indya S.

so should i use it at night, day, or both

Aug 8, 2011

Alexis B.

In the past I have found that if I use toner twice a week it helps to control the oil on my skin and keeps it overall a lot nicer, so I love it. I have heard people claim to break out from toner, but everyone is different so I do recommend atleast trying it. And if you're worried, try an all natural and gentle toner (I love burt's bees) to start off. Overall, it really depends on your skin type, and after using it for a while and you dont notice a change, then you may not need it!

Aug 7, 2011

Gracey W.

The general purpose is to prep skin for moisturizer (gets rid of any residue left behind, so the moisturizer absorbs into the skin better), balance the skin's pH. But you can get toners with other purposes as well, like to help acne. I use the Special Cucumber lotion by Mario Badescu and I do see a little difference in my skin when I use it (I don't get as oily throughout the day, any small whiteheads disappear), but I don't think its one of those products you HAVE to have. 

Toner's meant to rebalance the pH but it's not always necessary - the right cleanser should do the trick. Try Malin + Goetz, it's quite good!

Aug 7, 2011

Shelly T.

Toner does not break you out. Toner is used after cleansing but before moisturizer. Here's a thread about it on Specktra...

Aug 7, 2011

Indya S.

what does a toner do and will it break out the skin really bad, and do u really need one?