Foundations for Acne-Prone Skin


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Dec 27, 2011

Michele R.

Thanks guys! I think I have all the answers I need. I'm going to stick with Mineral Makeup for now. I've already ordered Meow Mineral Makeup and I'm waiting for that to come in. Thanks again and Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Dec 27, 2011

Faye F.

ive got the exact same skin type and alot of redness i use the revelon colourstay and its fantastic, it is full coverage so a little goes a long way! xx

Dec 27, 2011

Syasya I.

i think estee lauder max coverage is fantastic. I also have mufe matt velvet plus during summer coz my skin get oily . THIS BOTH foundation have full coverage , lightweight and long lasting. I also use mufe full cover concealer.

MAC Face & Body Foundation is a great lightwight foundation. Also it will be good for Acne prone skin because it is water based insted of oil based (a leading cause for breakouts with other foundations- especially from MAC). And it lasts a WHILE! My last bottle lasted me almost 5 months!! It has relatively light coverage but it is incredibly build-able.
hope I helped! 

Dec 16, 2011

Michele R.

Awesome, Jane! Thanks! I'll definitely order some samples. Thank you

Dec 16, 2011

Jane A.

I really enjoye ColorStay too. But before that, when I suffered from horrible acne, I was using Meow's Feirce Feline mineral make up. It provided the same type of coverage it did when I was using liquid foundation and concealer to conceal my acne.

My acne got better because with the MMU it was breathing versus being suffocated by the make up.

Meow Cosmetics is an online brand, and it has 86 shades! It's a bit overwhelming at first, but it's pretty damn good. 

Dec 16, 2011

Michele R.

Angela - I do something like that now, not too much makeup. Very good advice, thank you.
Ainslie - I used to have Laura Mercier translucent powder and I liked it. I'll look into the tinted moisturizer, thanks!
Nichole - Thanks for the great tip! I looked into the company last night and it sounds like a possible good investment. I just bought a bunch of samples from Alima Pure so I want to see how that works out for me first. Thanks so much!

Dec 15, 2011

Angela W.

A Q-Tip (or ideally a small concealer brush) and a good concealer with just a hint of foundation always give me the best results. Instead of trying to cover my whole face with foundation I've found that my skin looks much better/healthier when I just do a very light base of foundation- I like the Neutrogena sheer one that comes in a tube- and then spot-apply the concealer. Barely set with powder and I look like I actually have clear skin (even though I don't!!). There's a good video on youtube about this, let me see if I can dig it up for you...

Dec 15, 2011

Julie c.

i'm loving the neutrogena healthy skin type

Dec 15, 2011

Smitty S.

I agree with Adi Y. I have severely acne prone skin and CoverGirl's Natureluxe Foundation is the best foundation I've used so far, simply because it takes such a tiny amount to cover your entire face. This way, you're not clogging your pores with tons of foundation. The natural ingredients are also great for the skin. Highly recommended.

Dec 15, 2011

Adi Y.

Covergirl natureluxe is awesome I have scaring too and it is dark, it is light weight and is easy on your skin too. It has jojoba extract and cucumber water in it which leaves the skin feeling soft. I started using it and have fell in love. 

Dec 15, 2011

Michele R.

Yea I've researched Bare Minerals and I don't plan on buying anything from MUFE, they test on animals or don't clearly state that they don't. Bare Minerals contains Bismuth Oxychloride, which I've read is an irritant. I'm very picky about what I put on my face for fear it will make me break out. Thank you for your advice though.

Dec 14, 2011

Mally S.

Bare Minerals if you haven't already tried it. I can't tell you how many times I've come home and just crashed and forgot to take my makeup off, and it has never made me break out. It's got pretty good coverage, but sometimes seems like it takes forever to really get it to cover up blemishes, so I just use MUFE's full coverage concealer along with it, and they work perfectly. Bare Minerals also doesn't test on animals, or work with manufacturers that do, which is a huge plus for me!

Dec 13, 2011

Michele R.

Thanks, Nykki, but I stay away from companies that test on animals. I prefer products with natural and/or organic ingredients too.

Dec 13, 2011

Nykki B.

I agree that Colorstay is pretty much full coverage. Have you tried any of the Neutrogena Foundations? I really like Healthy Skin, but they have a Skin Clearing Foundation too! :)

xoxo, nykki 

Dec 13, 2011

Michele R.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Dec 13, 2011

Shelly T.

I think Colorstay is closer to full coverage, personally. :)

Dec 13, 2011

Michele R.

Thanks! I'll look into that.

Dec 13, 2011

Jen B.

My dermatologist recommended Revlon ColorStay liquid foundation. It doesn't feel heavy on and provides probably medium coverage--so you might be looking for a bit more coverage, I'm not sure, but this foundation gets along very well with my skin and doesn't cause any added breakouts.

Dec 13, 2011

Michele R.

Does anyone have any light weight foundation recommendations for acne-prone skin? I have some acne scaring that I'd like to cover. I'm using Afterglow minerals now and it doesn't provide enough coverage.