DIY Facial Steam


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Nov 28, 2011

Ivonne G.

DIY Facial Steam Tutorial

Facials at the spa are costly but effective to maintain great and healthy skin. Facial steams are a great alternative to the hefty price tags of spa facials. When done once a week you will see an improvement in your skin’s texture and reduce clogged pores. I have done this for a couple of years now and have maintained clear skin by doing this. Even if not done weekly you will still see some results.

DIY Facial Steam

Step 1.
Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil in a pot.

Step 2
Add your selected herbal mixture to the boiling water, cover, and then turn off the heat.
For dry skin : try rose or chamomile
For normal skin: try rose or lavender
For oily skin: try rosemary or sage
For dull or acne prone skin : try comfrey
* note even if you do not have any of these ingredients a simple facial steam without herbs will still open up your pores.

Step 3:
Let the water cool for approximately 2 to 3 minutes, uncover the pot, stir the mixture , and completely remove the pot from your stove.

Step 4:
Place the pot in a table that will allow you to sit and place your face above it about 9 inches it. Place a large towel over head and let the towel hang down around the pot in order to let it catch some of water steam or vapor. Keeping a safe and comfortable distance between your and pot, try to stay under the towel as long as you comfortably can. What I do is stay approximately a minute under the towel, take a break, and put the towel over my head once again. I do this about four to five times, in order to really open up my pores.

Step 5:
Remove your face from the pot and your done !
Either using a store purchased facial scrub or one I make at home. I then use a circular motion to cleanse my face. Lastly I rinse my face with cool water to close my pores. Some makeup artist use icy cold water in order to really tighten their pores. I use this technique only in the warmer months.

DIY facial scrub:
Make a thick paste using cornmeal and water. Or you can make a thick paste using brown sugar and honey. Make sure not overscrub your skin since this can cause irritation.

Step 6
Do not forget to use moisturizer! This is a very important step since your skin has undergone serious cleansing and you need to bring back moisture.

Hope your try this facial steam idea and enjoy pampering yourself :)

* note some people may experience a slight itching sensation after the first facial steam. This is absolutely normal. When your steam your skin reacts to increased circulation. Increasing the circulation will help give you a nature glow to your skin. After doing a couple of facial steam you will notice that this itching sensation will disappear.

Nov 30, 2011

Cameron R.

Hey! Thanks for taking the time and giving us such detailed instructions! This sounds really cool, I'm totally gonna consider trying it out! = P

Nov 30, 2011

Anneka F.

This sounds awesome - especially as it's so cold where I am right! Thanks! :D 

does it do something special? I would love to do it but I feel like I am not doing it right :(

Great Topic

Nov 9, 2012

Krystal S.

Hey thanks for this detailed DIY:) I just did the facial steam, looking forward to results! Thanks again