Milia Around Eyes


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Thanks suggested by most of you I think consulting a doc would be a safe & better option

Jena O.

Feb 29, 2012

Jena O.

Milia around the eyes can be from dry skin, weather conditions or even high cholesterol. I'd visit a derm, they can also use a lance and remove the milia =)
Make sure you use a moisurizer and wipe off glasses/sunglasses with rubbing alcohol before wearing as well =)

Feb 28, 2012

Consuelo A.

See a dermatologist. I do NOT suggest that you get any thing near your eyes. The eye are is such a sensitive area and if it is right under your water line any damage can surpas and go straight into your eye and give you some sort of infection. Play it safe. It may not be worth the problem by trying to fix it your self. Sometimes we gotta shell out those bucks.

go with an estethician for a facial treatment

Feb 27, 2012

Sofia C.

Hmm well it depends just how close to the waterline? :/ It's very commonly said tht youre not suppose to mess much with the fine, delicate skin around the eye area but it's worked out for me; I suppose you could try to exfoliate your milia gently with something fine like sugar or even baking soda taking very proper care to not get it into your eye, and then follow up with a hydrating eye cream?

Feb 27, 2012

Shalini S.

Hey Sofia but i have them closer to waterline :( .... how can i exfoliate them?

Feb 27, 2012

Sofia C.

I have them below my dark circles, basically like a horizontal crescent shape below my eyes, framing them and what I do is exfoliate them along with the rest of my face everyday. It really helps to keep them at bay :) 

Feb 27, 2012

Shalini S.

Thanks Christine.. will do the same ...

Feb 26, 2012

Christine C.

you can see you doctor about them but what i did was had a hot shower (for the steam), exfoliated them really well, use a sterilized pin just to break the skin a little bit and extracted them... i know its a little risky and could 'cause scarring' but i went slow and steady and theyre gone now

Feb 21, 2012

Shalini S.

Can anyone suggest how to remove milia (white heads) around eyes?