What Did You Get in the January Sales?


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Jan 1, 2012

Zoe C.

Hey! So I bought quite a few things in the January sales and made a post about it on my blog: http://colourbymakeup.blogspot.com/2011/12/january-sales-haul.html

And I thought it would be a cool idea to let everyone on beautylish share what they got too :) link your blog posts or youtube videos, I'd love to check them out and see what everyone else is loving right now :)

Jan 1, 2012

Lex R.

You've had time to go shopping? I'm still busy recovering from last night! I did manage to do a complete overhaul of my facial care regiment two weeks ago, though. Decided to splurge on a range of Mario Badescu products. So far, so good. Wish me luck.

Happy New Year!

Jan 1, 2012

Zoe C.

Mostly did it in late December, it's been internet shopping after last night xD I have to be careful when buying new skincare products because they break my skin out in the first couple of uses :/ but I've found my HG cleanser so I'm all clear! :)

Happy New Year to you too! :)

I have been on vacation this week which has been amazing but Christmas left me broke =/ luckily I get paid next week when I go back to work =D I REALLY want to get some new clothes but makeup always tempts me ... I really want the Acid I-Divine palette from Sleek Cosmetics! I just saw it on someones blog earlier this morning and I absolutely need it! And it's not too expensive @ 10$! I really need vibrant colored eye shadows because the ELF palette I have just doesn't cut it =[

Jan 1, 2012

Zoe C.

I've had my eyes on the Acid palette for a while after I saw xsparkage use it in one of her tutorials. It should really be called the Zoe palette, I love all of the colours xD
I never really buy clothes anymore xD I'm happy in my t shirt and jeans, all of my money goes to makeup and Lush XD

Makeup is always a good investment! =D

Jan 2, 2012

Lex R.

Oh, wait. Yup, I actually bought some other stuff after the Mario Badescu splurge. Dang, I DID go on a little mini rampage. Went to MUFE and bought some...
1. Rouge Artist Intense lipsticks. 2 pink ones cos I'm sorta going through a phase right now.
2. Aqua Liners in Pink and Black because I am so in love with the stuff, I'm about 3 colours away from having the whole set.
3. A Concealer Pencil for my Mom 'cos she's been complaining about her "Night of the Living Dead red-rimmed eyes" look.
Then I went to Sephora and bought a couple of brushes and their daily make-up brush cleaner.
Some Argan oil and the "SheWOOD" perfume from DSquared² were random purchases after... Oh, man. Excuse me while I go check my bank balance. Dagnabbit.

Jan 2, 2012

Zoe C.

Wow! That is a lot :P I don't own any MUFE stuff because its way too expensive :( but one day I hope to have a little mini collection! :P

Jan 2, 2012

Lex R.

I get a discount at the store but it's still quite a bit of money. Gonna put a hold on the make-up buying for a bit, I think.

Most of their products work a treat for me and they're a good investment. It's the only make-up brand I feel really comfortable splurging on. You should check 'em out when you have a bit of extra moolah and when there's a sale on. Hyuk! I lurve sales.

But! I AM staying away from the store for at LEAST a few months. Really-really... Really. (-.-)"

Jan 2, 2012

Maria Y.

I got elf christmas cluth pallette, black eye kohl, brush cleanser, sleek contour powder and a sleek blush. And cannot wait to use it, gotta say i already love the eyeshadows...did some swatches and looove it! 

Jan 3, 2012

Shelley W.

I have yet to use my g/c that I received for Christmas on any make-up hauls. I'm still building on my shopping list. I want the new UD palette but I need to play with the colors first to see if its coming home with me.

Jan 4, 2012

Nikki W.

I have been so rubbish with the sales this year! I've gone out a few times but always come home empty handed - I don't think there's anything I'm really desperate to find, and nothing has caught my eye! I must be missing all the bargains.

Jan 4, 2012

Zoe C.

I've had a huge list piling up, so I spent nearly all my money in the sales! >_< it feels good to be able to let go and treat yourself sometimes though :) my package from e.l.f arrived today, and I'm soo happy! :D