Hair - split ends


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Sep 23, 2011

Jo S.

I have long, thick hair and I use hot appliances on it frequently. As a result, my ends are split horribly and I'm going to get them trimmed in a few days. My question is, can any of you recommend a product that I can use and apply, particularly to my ends, but also to the rest of my hair, that will REALLY protect it from the heat? I've tried the standard heat protectors but they're not working, clearly. I'll pay more for a good, salon quality product, but it has to work well. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!!

Sep 24, 2011

Shelly T.

The only way to truly protect your hair from heat damage is not to use any heat on your hair. At all.

That said, I've been using Tresemme's heat protectant for when I flat iron, and a blow drying prep spray by Chemistry Salon Labs (available at some Rite Aids and, quite possibly, online). But I want to try It's a 10 Miracle Leave-in Product, as it's supposed to do everything. :) (For what it's worth, I do only one or the other at any given time, never both. In other words, if I blow dry my hair, I don't flat iron it; if I do flat iron it, it's after I've let my hair dry naturally.)

Sep 24, 2011

Cameron R.

Split ends are tricky. I always follow the rule of pressing the water out of my hair rather than shaking it like crazy as it can cause ends to split. When your hair is wet in general it can be stretched and after it dries the hair can be damaged, or break off; so make sure only to use a wide tooth comb on it when wet.

As for heat protectants, I honestly think they are more for mental security than anything. I have tried a few from different brands, all of which proved to be ineffective. The only thing I would ever invest money in would be Grapeseed Oil. It makes my hair soft and smooth even after flat-ironing, and it has a pretty high smoke point, meaning the product won't evaporate and will keep to the hair while passing over a mult. times. Plus, you can purchase it from like Whole Foods or even online I believe, for usually under $10.00; plus it lasts FOREVER. Make sure your not washing your hair too much as well, as that can dry it out. Hope that helped! = )

Sep 28, 2011

eRsa R.

I went through same period i have thick and curly hairs that split alot, until i found right product for my hairs. You better trim them and put heat protection before ironing them. Herbal Essence Split Ends Protection Shampoo and Conditioner I cannot live without this. It really did magic for my hairs. I do not face any more split ends. It keeps my hair very heathly shiny and very smooth ! ! ! And yes it smell really greattt too. I hope i helped some =)

Sep 29, 2011

Linda D.

Kerastase Nector Thermique heat protectant is an amazing product. Really puts moisture in your hair and smells like heaven. The cool part about this product is that is it heat activated. I know that sounds weird because that's what a heat protectant is for but the more heat you use the more the product works. If that makes anything sense haha.

I have been using it for almost a month now and I absolutely love it. You will totally see a difference in your hair. Makes my hair so soft and doesn't feel heavy.