The Lime Crime/Bitch Slap Scandals...


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Jul 11, 2014

Katiedid ..

Lime Crime is just super shady in general. I've heard everything from shoddy packaging (the lipstick cases are so plastic and flimsy that if dropped they shatter), to the whole "making my own pigments", to absolutely HORRID customer service, to black walling customers who give an honest review of their products, and then Xenia, the owner lashing out at people who don't worship the ground she walks on.
The one thing about this company that wiggs me out the most, is that one never really knows what exactly goes into their products. One reason is because the ingredients are always changing, and the worst part is that she claims that they're 'vegan friendly' (meaning that their products contain no animal by products) but then when some people call her out about the products containing bees wax (an animal by product) her response was something to the effect of "lol I didn't know it wasn't vegan and I made them"... What? In my opinion if some one is going to sell something, and sell something at a.) ridiculous prices, more expensive then MAC. And b.) to a specific audience I.E Vegans then they shouldn't half ass their research, and make absolutely 100% SURE that what they're offering is what they claim to be!
Not sure about BSC, just heard of them recently, but from what I'm hearing it's sounding a bit like the same blunders as LC, hopefully they learn from their mistakes whereas LC just seems to keep falling into the same wells every time.
All in all, to much shade for me to spend that kind of money! If someone wants ridiculously pigmented eyeshadows and an owner with morals, Sugarpill is amazing and Amy is a sweet heart! Also, for lip products as well as face, and eyes, but especially lip products go with OCC (Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics) their liptars come in literally every shade you can think of and a little, like a grain on sand size amount, and you're literally good to go. Plus they are completely 100% Vegan and cruelty free! Yay for shade free businesses!!

Mar 12, 2015

Marisa J.

I have written an in depth blog post about the Lime Crime scandal here: if you're interested x

May 20, 2015

Boycott L.

The Lime Crime boycott is only growing as more information comes up about the shady past of the company and the ridiculous and unprofessional antics of the owner.