Skincare books


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Jun 30, 2013

Carabelle R.

You can leave a comment about what you're looking for, I'll try my best (:

Jun 30, 2013

Carabelle R.

I'm not sure about books, but I'll be uploading regularly about organic skincare! Do check it out if you wish to! I hope it helps! xo Carabelle.

Hi ~ I feel bad for not being enough active around here. However, I just finished doing my face mask and realized i could ask here some advice!

So the thing is that I'm very interested in skincare. More than just the basics and routines. I'd like to know more about the skin itself too and how it works and reacts to certain things depending on it's type and such. What products, nutrition, sports etc do to it. And some more about it in biological view.
But so that it would could be related to skincare and not just a biology book with brief introduction to skin.

So is there books like that? If my point wasn't clear enough, I'll try to clarify myself better if needed.

thank you in advance!