kim kardashian "wears too much makeup?"


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Feb 3, 2015

Josie J.

YES she does I think she is ending out a bad message to younger girls that you need to have 300 pounds of makeup on to look pretty although Kim K does look pretty she would look just as pretty with 10 pounds less makeup but maybe some girls feel more confident with more makeup on I know I do so if you feel super confident when you where makeup go for it and if you don't care it's your choice. That my opinion.

Jun 26, 2013

Yuriana F.

I think she's a beautiful person with or without makeup. And her makeup looks really good on her.

Dec 8, 2011

Derin A.

Personally I love her makeup and think she looks beautiful! I often wish my makeup looks like hers lol

Dec 2, 2011

Selena B.

If she wears too much makeup then so do I lol! :)

Nov 30, 2011

Shelley W.

I find no issue with the amount of makeup she wears....that is her "look" and it fits her. 

I wear more dramatic eyeshadow than her during the day, hah. I see nothing wrong with her makeup. If she has on layers of face makeup, which I don't like but still, good for her!

I think she wears too much but she needs it. Makeup does that..and she looks good natural too...everyone has flaws.

Nov 30, 2011

Drea L.

I don't think she wears a lot of makeup, I just think the shades she uses are the kind that draws so much attention to her face. I love her look, she's the only celeb that I can think of that rocks that dramatic concealer highlight under the eye/cheek area & I LOVE it.

Her lashes though.... toooo much. I'm all for big lashes, but sometimes they just start to look like shredded grass.

Nov 30, 2011

Jaclyn S.

for her job, always being around cameras and filmed i think it is a little necessary but sometimes she does wear a lot but i think thats just her style

She's wears a ton to to cover them bad boy circles up it's a must. 

May 19, 2011

Shelly T.

I think Kim wears the right amount of makeup. I also think it's right for her to emphasize her eyes because, IMO, they are *stunning*.

May 19, 2011

Mindy N.

from the picture above, i agree... she does need to wear the amount of make up that she does. definitely enhances her beauty...

May 19, 2011

Danielle M.

I think she is gorgeous with or without makeup! I love her makeup style!

To me she sometimes over does her eye shadow. Not necceseraly her face make up,she just does what we all do, cover up uneven blotchy skin. But when it comes to her eyes... Sometimes its a lil tooooooo much, but she always looks good :)

I don't think she necessarily wears "a lot" but does emphasizes her eyes with lots of dark shadows. The biggest thing she wears are false eyelashes. I wonder what she would look like if she wore the same makeup but without the fake lashes. Maybe that's why people think it's too much because of the eyelashes.

May 1, 2011

Rai C.

I don't think she wears a lot of makeup... at least not all of the time. Those photos above show her with a lot. But there are also other photos of her wearing very little makeup. 

She definitely wears a lot of makeup but she does it in a tasteful way. She said once on her show that her dad sent her to class to learn how to apply makeup when she was younger so at least she'd know how to do it properly. Looks like she was a good student.

Apr 29, 2011

Linda D.

"I will never leave the house without concealer. I have dark under-circles and I always put on concealer no matter what." - Kim K.

She really does have some bad dark circles haha.

Apr 28, 2011

Bp H.

I think it's just her style. She's stunning either way though. I admire the fact that she's confident enough to even show her face on camera without any!

Andrea F.

Apr 28, 2011

Andrea F.

Oh! When I said it is a drastic change, I didn't mean that she looks good with it and looks bad without it. I just meant her face looks drastically different without it. Ahah. Still absolutely beautiful!! But way different. 

If it were done like drag queens it'd be a lot but I think her makeup is nice.

Apr 27, 2011

Linda D.

Kim is gorgeous with or without make up. I went to go see her a few months back when she was promoting Fusion Beauty at my local Nordstrom and she is flawless in person. She may wear a ton of make up but it looks amazing and not cakey.  

Apr 27, 2011

Nova Z.

i Totally agreen with Robin!she indeed wear hella lots of makeup,but she's drop dead gorgeous with all those layers... :P

Apr 25, 2011

Robin A.

Yup she wears a lot! But she looks drop dead beautiful ^^.. Idk i've always been into a type of fashion that basically requires you to cake on the make up so i'm use to it. Someday I wish I could be that skilled!!!

Apr 25, 2011

Haley H.

She wears a lot of makeup, and sometimes it too much. Yet, it's her style and she is known for it. Personally I like it!