kim kardashian "wears too much makeup?"


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Nov 30, 2011

Shelley W.

I find no issue with the amount of makeup she wears....that is her "look" and it fits her. 

Dec 2, 2011

Selena B.

If she wears too much makeup then so do I lol! :)

Dec 8, 2011

Derin A.

Personally I love her makeup and think she looks beautiful! I often wish my makeup looks like hers lol

Jun 26, 2013

Yuriana F.

I think she's a beautiful person with or without makeup. And her makeup looks really good on her.

Feb 3, 2015

Josie J.

YES she does I think she is ending out a bad message to younger girls that you need to have 300 pounds of makeup on to look pretty although Kim K does look pretty she would look just as pretty with 10 pounds less makeup but maybe some girls feel more confident with more makeup on I know I do so if you feel super confident when you where makeup go for it and if you don't care it's your choice. That my opinion.