Blackheads, ew!


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I totally agree with Diana, it's about routine. There's only so much you can do for blackheads so the best course of action is to exfoliate and keep things from getting worse. I've heard there's some "natural" recipes out there that will help but I haven't tried any of them myself. I usually find that a good clay mask followed by exfoliation works wonders (many natural clays detox the skin by pulling all that crap to the surface so by exfoliating right after your actually scrubbing all that crap away! hooray!!).  

Steam your face, do your extractions,you can even use just a cotton ball to slide some of them off, then make sure to tone after to rebalance your skin. This works for me, I don't get every single one but it makes a huge difference. Hope it helps <3

the POREfessional from Benefit is literally my go-to product for my nose!

I use it before my foundation and it definitely helps! I'm sure there is loads more products out there that do the same job but with this, and some great powder over the top - my nose looks vaguely normal!

Nov 29, 2010

Julia K.

Thanks Diana and Louise-Lesley!

I think, left untreated, my pores and blackheads could get huge. I keep them mostly under control but was hoping for some great finds.

Louise-Lesley, what products do you use to hide them?

I have no advice to help but I'm here to say I feel your pain completely! I have had blackheads on my nose for as long as I remember, and as I've gotten older I've also gotten them around my mouth.

I also get facials, exfoliate and have tried numerous products to combat them but I just can't seem to get rid of them! I have huge pores on my nose and although I know I can't reduce to size of them, I just have to be thankful that we now have products to help me hide them!

Nov 29, 2010

Diana S.

I use face scrub sometimes everyday or every other day only on my nose and the areas where I sometimes break out. It works great for me but everyone's face is different. I do my own facials once a week. I do believe that its all about routine, and once you find what works for you just keep it up and be consistant.

Nov 29, 2010

Julia K.

Does anyone suffer from blackheads? It's genetic for me.

I get facials, I exfoliate, I'll do some of my own extractions in between to keep it under control, but it's really annoying!

Does anyone have tips, advice, and any holy grail blackhead prevention products?