Reducing Redness On The Face! Help!!


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Apr 15, 2013

Rachel R.

My cheeks have always had redness and broken capillaries on them but with no acne. Do you know what products would be good to reduce it??

Apr 15, 2013

Marcelina C.

Sudocrem :) a thin layer of it works great over night

Apr 15, 2013

Katie M.

Smashbox bb or cc cream.

Apr 15, 2013

Felice P.

green primer.

Apr 15, 2013

Ashley S.

For something homemade, I hear lemon and honey is amazing!

Apr 15, 2013

Kelly M.

Eucerin makes a Redness Relief line with a cleaner, a night cream, and a day lotion with SPF.
Edited to add: For broken capillaries, increasing your vitamin K intake will help reduce the redness, but I think the only way to cure them is to see a dermatologist for laser or electrocoagulation treatments.

Apr 15, 2013

Rachel R.

Thank you guys so much! @Ashley I have been using the eucerin RR line of skin care but I haven't seen any dramatic results :/

Apr 15, 2013

Rebekah L.

My friend uses bare minerals, but they are a bit expensive and I'm no expert although I totally understand I have pinky cheeks too.

Apr 15, 2013

Janice M.

Philosophy's keep the peace line helps me. I use the serum and moisturiser, and before I apply my makeup I use a green colour-correcting primer on any red areas.