Lip Care Problem


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Apr 11, 2013

Isabella C.

My lips are really really chapped and I've tried many products to try and solve the problem. Any recommendations?

Apr 11, 2013

Eydís G.

Try coconut oil, it helped me throughout the season! Macs lip conditioner works as well!

Apr 11, 2013

Nay R.

I swear by Burts Bees lip balm on a daily basis, but I always use the vaseline lip treatment at night

Apr 11, 2013

Mattie M.

Burts Bees. Not the regular but the one with either pomegranate oil or mango butter. They work amazingly, I had to buy some new chapstick yesterday because my lips were chapped horribly and peeling and after using this for just one day my lips are like 10x better!

Apr 11, 2013

Isabella C.

Thanks! @Eydís

Apr 11, 2013

Isabella C.

Ill see if I have Burt's bees around thanks! @Mattie @Nay.

Apr 11, 2013

Abigail H.

Try putting a bunch of Blistex on your lips before you go to bed for a few days? I have the same thing and in a week they're back to normal.

Apr 11, 2013

Jordan G.

Boots no. 7 protect and perfect lip cream. I have down right terrible lips and this stuff did wonders to my lips. It's like 7 dollars at target and its absolutely worth it.

Apr 11, 2013

Robyn M.

Paw paw ointment is amazing if you can get it wher you live!

Apr 12, 2013

Maya N.

If you use a lip scrub (Beautylish did an editorial article on it for a DIY one) and then use lip balm regularly and before you go to bed they should b silky smooth.

Apr 12, 2013

Kaley B.

Aquaphor healing ointment and Vaseline!! Use a mix of those two at night. During the day, you can use a Nivea lip balm (those are super hydrating) or aquaphor's lip balm. Stuff. It's in a squeeze tube.

Apr 12, 2013

Susie S.

I get chapped lips in the winter a lot. I make a simple scrub (olive oil, honey, sugar, cinnamon) and it works great. Also, make sure you're drinking enough water!

Apr 12, 2013

Meagon B.

Take a good helping of Vaseline and apply to your lips, then take a toothbrush (a new one) and gently brush your lips. works like a charm and the burts bee medicated w/ clove oil is the best.

Apr 12, 2013

Stefani S.

Vaseline at night, and for day regular Burt's Bees or Body shop Cocoa butter lip balm. Soooo good!

Apr 12, 2013

Latricia E.

Evolution of smooth works wonders...all are great & smell even better EXCEPT the lemon kind :)

Apr 12, 2013

Abby B.

Make sure you stay really hydrated! If your lips are consistently dry despite using lots of lip balm, it could be because you aren't drinking enough water.

Apr 12, 2013

Michelle T.

First scrub with the lipscrub from Lush, afterwards just apply Vaseline. It works very good for your lips, I have a small container next to my bed and when my lips are chapped I apply it before I go to sleep and when I wake up they are really soft and hydrated!

Apr 12, 2013

D B.

Blistex medex plus