HELP!! Picnic date makeup, hair, outfit ideas?!?


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Apr 13, 2013

Jewels H.

Hey girls, can you please help me out with a look for a picnic date? I usually don't wear makeup, so I want something natural that I can wear for a picnic date, hair as well. I have brown hair and eyes, light skin, and I don't usually wear cute outfits, but please help, any suggestions?

Apr 13, 2013

Sarah M.

Try a flirty curly ponytail

Apr 13, 2013

Jewels H.

Forgot to mention, I have medium-long hair

Apr 13, 2013

Cole M.

Post a pic of yourself doll... A maxi dress is cute & comfy. What's the weather like? Mascara & gloss is simple. Hair down. Just throwing ideas out there. Pic helps.

Apr 13, 2013

Sarah M.

Or this

Apr 13, 2013

Sydney M.

Well with a picnic date, there's not a big stress to look too fancy so like Cole said, a cute, flowy maxi dress can be perfect and can be dressed up or down. Very neutral and subtle makeup; just simple eyeshadow, mascara and gloss (or even just a chapstick!) with a bit of sun-kissed contouring. Honestly, just keep it simple :)

Apr 13, 2013

Beth R.

If you want eye shadow, go for a toupe color (Kinda mousey-brown) with white eyeliner or eye shadow in your inner corners to highlight. Mascara is a nessicety. If your skin isn't the best, like mine, go for a non oily concealer instead of foundation. It'll make you look more natural, as long as you only spot treat. Blush would be cute, as long as you don't over due it. Make sure you blend everything well. As for hair, I would say wavy, or just natural. Guys like that type of thing. DO NOT curl it if you're wearing it down; he'll think you're dressing up too much. Try mid thigh length jean or white shorts with strapy sandals and a cute top. It screams spring, fun, and casual. Stray away from dresses and skirts; during a picnic you'll be sitting, and you don't want him to see too much. Sorry it's long, I just had a perfect vision! Good luck!

Apr 13, 2013

Geraldine S.

Fish tail braid on the side (:

Apr 13, 2013

Minjee Y.

Jean jacket. Plain white tank top or tshirt with a flowy maxi skirt and either comfy wedges or just sandals. Hair up in high pony tail to look high fashion and it's out of your way. Or just wear it straightened and let it flow in the wind.

Apr 13, 2013

Minjee Y.

As for makeup. Don't wear any then if you don't usually wear it.

Apr 13, 2013

Jewels H.

Thanks for the great suggestions! :)