How to make a tan stay longer!


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Apr 9, 2013

Sarah D.

Hey guys! I just came back from florida with a really nice tan, any tips to make it stay longer??

Apr 9, 2013

Sally H.

I don't know but I get so dark in summer but in winter I'm like white

Apr 9, 2013

Sarah D.

same here! :/

Apr 9, 2013

Susie S.


Apr 9, 2013

Cynthia S.

I heard if you keep your skin moisturized and keep going in the sun and get naturally tanned it will stay

Apr 9, 2013

Lolli S.


Apr 9, 2013

Sarah D.

thanks guys ^

Apr 9, 2013

Sally H.


Apr 9, 2013

Niamh S.

Try not to exfoliate as much as you will wash the tan off, and moisturize!

Apr 9, 2013

Sarah V.

Don't wipe your skin dry with the towel when you get out of the shower, pat dry and moisturize to lock in your color! Gradual tanner every other day will help maintain your color for longer!

Deeply exfoliate your skin once a week ( I do mine on sundays because I spray tan directly after. Make sure you shave before you deeply exfoliate, use something with bigger beaded exfoliates- personally,I use a dead sea scrub from Isreal- this will take away more dead skin, It will be a lot rougher but is better for body exfoliating. Using a finer exfoliator, like in many body scrubs/washes-Dove has a great everyday one, it's my favorite!-, and is better suited for daily use and is more gentle for useage on your face) , moisturize your skin a lot, and drink lots of water (the more water the better, you're supposed to drink a gallon a day- but that's really hard to do, but water is the best thing moisturzer you can use to have healthy skin)! I live in florida, so I know the importance of keeping a tan &having/maintaining good healthy, glowing pretty sunkissed skin!! What works for me is using a gradual tanner like jergens three day self tanner for medium to deep complexions (it's just a darker, more natural coloring) this isn't greasy and doesn't leave you a nasty smell, but you need to exfoliate with it. Also I use coppertones gradual tanner too - this doesn't leave a smell if you don't use it more than once a day, I've noticed that if I use it twice a day it can make my skin smell a little self tanner-ish...I also use a gentle exfoliator body wash everyday too, dove works just fine- it will help blend out the self tanning color because your color can get splotchy or too dark after so long of using it that this does help even everything out, for me at least. And exfoliating your skin won't fade your natural tan like you think it will, because a natural tan develops in the layers of skin that are still alive (specifically the stratum basale); trust me, if you were removing that, you'd notice (it would be extremely painful and you'd bleed). Exfoliating removes the layers of skin on top that are already dead. Exfoliating will make your skin look healthier and less ashy. The sun has changed the melanin in your skin which is deep in your skin, moisturizing your skin will just help to keep your skin healthy, glowing, and repair the drying damage the sun has done to the top layers of your skin. Also yes, you should always pat your skin dry and not rub it with a towel because this will help to keep the moisture inside your skin, and rubbing your skin with the towel is very drying and rough on your skin anyways. Also using a regular lotion (any with vitamin e in it, or a dry oil are both really good options) right after showering will help keep your skin hydrated too, the water will be soaked up by your skin better this way, and if you have really dry skin avoid extremely hot temperature showers-these will only dry your skin out more. Also if you really want to keep your tan the longest, you can lay in a tanning bed (or the sun depnding on where you live) once a week or every other week, for 10-15 mins, not too long, also if you decide to go in a tanning bed, going in the highest bed possible for shorter amounts of time will make you darker, I would not at all suggest going in a 20 minute bed, even if it's the cheapest thing. Because, the higher level beds have completely different bulbs in them, they have bronzing bulbs rather than regular you've bulbs- these won't burn your skin like the other bulbs will, instead they will bronze your skin and give you a deep darker tan in half the time (these beds are better for you than the 20 minute beds, and these bulbs are the same as the bronzing facial bulbs). Also using a hott tingle lotion (I would highly reccommend a few of in my opinion are the best tingle lotions:. Designer Skin's hot tingle lotion called betrayl, Sweedish beauty's Hot tease tingle 70 lotion, and swedish beauty's pink diamond tingle 2 or swedish beauty hott amaretto tingle 10 <--This one is one of the best lotions I've ever used, the results are amazing super dark color, and is great for beginers who haven't used a tingle before.)
All of these lotions have instant bronzers in them, which will give you a good glow & instant color; comming out of the tanning bed. This will open up your pores and send more bloodflow to your skin (this is what makes your skin tingle) and in doing so, it will give you a deeper, darker tan; faster!) Also, if you don't want to use any self tanners or go into a tanning bed, hard candy has a really good instant bronzer, called glow all the way instant bronzer infused with 24 karat gold- runs about $8 at walmart, and it's amazing for the summertime to give you a great sunkissed glow that will wash off when you're done wearing it! I set this with a makeup setting spray like, model in a bottle, so it won't transfer onto your clothes or anything else (which is doesn't when it's dry, but it can be messy to apply). Another instant tanner you can use is sally hansen's airbrush leg makeup in tan or deep. Here's what it looks like:
You can use the spray one too, since the tube is a little hard to find at most drugstores... but this doesn't have any glitter/shimmer in it like the hard candy does, but it's great for adding a little bit of color to your skin & since this is considered body "makeup" it will cover any imperfections on your legs or arms, and this won't transfer onto anything- it dries really quickly and feels so lightweight like nothing is on your skin. Just some other options so you can choose which one is best for you! I hope this helps! good luck!! xoxo

Apr 9, 2013

Desiree M.

Wow Amanda, you're awesome!!

Apr 9, 2013

Sarah D.

Lmaoo thanks so much!!

Thanks Desiree, you're too sweet!!  :)