What Is Better Finger Paint Nail Polish Or Gelish Nail Polish?? Asap Who Knows??


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Apr 5, 2013

Yesenia E.

Who knows asap please.

Apr 5, 2013

Venessa A.

Gel last longer than normal. I love gel.

Apr 5, 2013

Mia Taryn B.

When you go in for a gel mani, make absolute sure its Gellish brand. I loved my Gelish manicure! It didn't damage my nails at all and was easy after the two week wear. BUT I had a horrible experience with another type of "gel" polish at a beauty school recently. They painted it on from these little pots, and all the tecks were calling it "glitter toes". It was awful! It wasn't a solid color no matter how many coats she added and cured, and it actually HURT my nails...like they were getting ripped opp. It was a nightmare to remove as well. It was like indestructible glass. Sorry for the rant, just be warned...stay away from some gels! Do your homework and Google the brand first and if they start painting it on with a paintbrush out of little pots...run for your life.

Apr 5, 2013

Yesenia E.

Thanks a lot :) for the tips.

Apr 6, 2013

Carmen J.

Gel is beautiful and lasts forever but its horrible for your nali, acrylic is just as bad but lasts less time, I would do acrylic but tell the technician to not grind/buff your natural nails too much

Apr 6, 2013

Carmen J.

But to me Natural nails are the best.