Detoxing For Skin??


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Jun 29, 2013

Carabelle R.

Drink lemon water! Just squeeze lemon into warm water and drink away! Make sure to finish it as the pulps at the bottom is all goodness.

Take a bath with Epsom bath salts and hot water to draws toxins out of the body to the skin's surface, and let the cooled down water it pull toxins from the skin. Also, when added to water, these natural salts can help to cleanse your colon.

Most importantly, exercise and sweat it all out. Sweating is detoxing as all the unwanted substances are drained out of your body. You will feel refreshed!

Hope this helps, sunshine! xo, Carabelle

May 10, 2013

Gumi S.

Hey Jessika! The best way to allover cleanse the body is by going a week eating TONS of fruits and vegetables, while cutting down on breads, meats, and sweets.

The way I deal with my acne is doing at home facials. I mix oatmeal and honey to make a face mask, let it sit, then rinse. Then I apply steam to my face by carefully standing above my clothes steamer (you can also wet a towel and microwave and apply it directly to your face). This helps open up your pores to remove deep impurities, and can help improve acne over time. I wash my face then with a normal cleanser, and apply moisturizer. If you do this once a week, on your face and back, I think you will see some results!

For your hair and nails, I recommend hair and nails vitamins. My hairdresser told me a lot of girls take prenatal vitamins (even if you aren't pregnant!) to give your hair and nails some extra vitamin E and B. I know at most health food stores they sell specific vitamins though for your hair and nails, so use whichever works best for you!

Sorry for the long reply! Hope this helps! :))

Apr 10, 2013

Jessika H.

I am wanting to detox my body to get rid of bad acne on my back and chest and also for nice hair and nails and just to feel good altogether but I don't know where to start or how to detox and suggestions?? :)