Best Way To Store My Makeup?


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Jul 11, 2012

Shelley W.

I agree with Sana R. The bathroom is a bad spot for your loot. I have my core collection stored on and in my vanity table that sits in my bedroom and then for the overflow I have a rolling storage system that sits in my closet. 

Jul 11, 2012

Sana R.

Do not leave your makeup in the bathroom, please! When you shower in your bathroom, the room gets hot and steamy, making it possible for bacteria to grow inside of your makeup, which you then put on your face, causing pimples. The heat and steam can also affect your makeup's texture and application.

It's best to leave makeup in a dry, slightly dim area. So maybe consider putting it in a clear plastic container like you would get from Walmart or Target. You can separate them however you want.

But, please, please don't leave your makeup in the bathroom!

Jul 8, 2012

Hailey N.

Lately I have been a little addicted to buying makeup. I don't have anyway to store it though. How do you store yours? Right now it is just scattered throughout my room and bathroom.