Cleaning Brushes


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Is it ok to clean my brushes with 70% alcohol or will this dry them out?

Jul 17, 2012

Shelly T.

I wouldn't use alcohol to deep clean. To spot clean, it'd be okay, but I don't think I'd deep clean with it.

I just spray it on a towel and rub the brush in it

Thanks for the advice

Jul 17, 2012

Danie D.

depends are your brushes made of synthetic or animal hair? if synthetic thats cool. but last time I checked alcohol and hair are not a good combo. Try using something more gentlier like cetaphil, or good old shampoo.

Jul 17, 2012

Rosie D.

baby shampoo is great...or M.A.C brush cleaner disinfects & cleanses them. :)

Jul 17, 2012

Latoya B.

use baby shampoo to deep clean and to sanitize use Cinema Seacrets brush cleaner its good for both synthetic and hair brushes

YOU guys are the best! i just bought baby shampoo today! 

Jul 18, 2012

Manuela B.

Synthetic hair brushes = antibacterial dish washer soap . Wash them once a month and let dry 24 hours. For natural hair brushes never never never use alcohol because it dries them out, for a deep clean, shampoo and condition once a month like you would your own hair. For in between cleans for both, I spray my MAC ( or any brand ) brush cleaner on a make up removing wipe and clean them there :) hope this helps!!

Well I did a few brushes it wasn't deep clean but I hope I didn't ruin them they're brand new. Condition them I guess??

Jul 18, 2012

Manuela B.

Yeah and when i condition mine i let them sit in conditioner for atleast an hour :) makes the natural hair brushes super soft!! :)

Just regular conditioner ??

Jul 18, 2012

Michie M.

What I do is I use regular shampoo. I take my brush and massage it in. Then I have a bowl of water and I dab my brush around in it and get everything off. I squish the bristles to get the water out. It's very effective. You can also check out some products made for cleaning brushes also. I wouldn't use alcohol, though.

Jul 18, 2012

Manuela B.

yup, its made of natural hair, so normal shampoo and normal conditioner :)

Jul 18, 2012

Amanda B.

Its ok I wouldnt do it all the time. It will eventually dry them out but if you do it every now and then it should be ok