How do you feel about green beauty?


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oh no!
That's the funny thing though, if someone was to use a mainstream brand and then have a bad reaction, they don't tend to lump mainstream brands together and say mainstream brands don't work. but that happens with green products more.

Jul 10, 2012

Shelley W.

I can't use too many "green products". I've found some natural products to be too harsh for my skin. I had purchased an expensive natural product for my three year olds skin...$48 bucks for 6 oz landed my poor child in the dermos office with pus filled blisters all over his skin. The Dr. did an allergy prick test and sure enough it was that expensive cream. And this cream came from a well respected green company that does not animal test. Sometimes green isn't always good for ya. 

Hi Shelley, you got me curious about that one! I just read up on it a bit and it seems that there are some parabens found in plants but commercially used parabens are synthetically produced. I definitely don't think all green ingredients are good either, but it comes down to common sense! :) I think I like green beauty since it's all round really nourishing for the skin.

yeah that's definitely one thing I think about elise, especially if what we put on our faces, hair etc is then washed back into the environment :/

Jul 10, 2012

Elise B.

I can see both side. My biggest worry are companies using bad practices like animal testing or using materials that are not sustainable in either packaging or contents 

Jul 10, 2012

Shelly T.

You have no reason to be scared of most ingredients. In fact, some ingredients the scaremongers like to rally against (the biggest one I'm thinking of is parabens, which are nothing more than preservative agents) are naturally-derived. Also, not all "green" ingredients are necessarily safe.

I've gotten quite obsessed with the beauty world in the past year but I've also read into ingredients and got scared of many! Green beauty is definitely growing, but it's still not as fashion forward as mainstream beauty which is a little frustrating when trying them! How do you guys feel about it?
