Favorite highlighter


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I wanna know what's your favorite highlighter! I'm looking for a new one. I don't have any brands in mind!

Jun 28, 2012

Mary P.

NARS Albatross is my most favorite! next up is Mary Lou Manizer from theBalm cosmetics.

Jun 28, 2012

Amanda B.

dior amber diamond i think is what its called 

Jun 28, 2012

Santina A.

I love MAC MSF in Soft & Gentle! I'm actually surprised it wasn't mentioned because it's pretty popular. I think it really depends on your undertone, if you prefer a more gold toned or cool toned highlighter so it looks more "natural" (as natural as a highlighter can be). My advice is go to Sephora and play around! 

Jun 29, 2012

Anjum C.

Benefit High Beam! It's glowy with a frosty sheen instead of glitter or shimmer. And you can set it with matte powder if you want it less intense.

I love and uses MAC MSF in Soft & Gentle too!

Jun 29, 2012

Nikki A.

Benefit High Beam

Jun 29, 2012

Angela R.

Nars albatross powder and Luxor multiple

Thank you all girls i'll go check those :)

Jul 1, 2012

Hannah C.

MAC MSF's, Benefit High Beam

Jul 1, 2012

Christina L.

Definitely Benefit High Beam! It lasts forever too. I bought mine about three years ago and still have a ton left. I also love Jane Shimmering Bronzer in Tahiti as a highlight. Sometimes I use the eyeshadow Naked Lunch by MAC too. 

Jul 1, 2012

Sofia B.

Macs mineralized skin finish! The best

Jul 1, 2012

Jen R.

-BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector (liquid)
-Benefit High Beam (liquid)
-The Balm Mary Lou manizer (powder)
-NARS Albatross (powder)
-Mac MSF in Soft & Gentle (powder)

Jul 2, 2012

Rai C.

At the moment it's theBalm Mary-lou Manizer.

At the moment i'm loving MAC's Cream Colour Base in Pearl :)

Jul 2, 2012

Melissa S.

Soft and Gentle MSF !

I am currently obsessed with MAC MSF in Lightscapade! It always adds the perfect finishing touch to my looks.

Jul 3, 2012

Steph J.

Benefit High Beam for paler skin, and Moon Beam for tan or olive skin. 

Nars Orgasm, MAC Gold deposit and Lancome makes a really nice highlighter! 

Jul 3, 2012

Kaitlyn E.

Stila Kitten Eyeshadow or Watt's Up from Benefit.
A cheaper route is champagne fizz eyeshadow from Covergirl.

Jul 5, 2012

Tiffani W.

I love Benefit's High Beam! It's my all time favorite. 

i actually don't even own a highlighter. i use products that i already have as my highlighter, you probably have them to! so there is definitely no need to go out and waste money on one.
you can use any shimmery white, beige, tan, or off white eyeshadow depending on your skin color and amount of brightness/highlight that you want.
the eyeshadows that i use for my highlight are:
mac pigment-vanilla
urban decay (in both naked palettes)- virgin, bootycall
elf eyeshadow
NYX eyeshadow singles- pearl

Jul 10, 2012

Havoc M.

Benefit's Girl Meets Pearl. It's perfectly pearly and luminous without looking too shimmery.

When I'm tan I like Benefit's Sun beam. When I'm lighter I readlly like "What's up" from Benefit as well :)

Smashbox has a powder that's called shimmer which is BEAUTIFUL!