Too Faced or Urban Decay?


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Jun 29, 2012

Lorena C.

I have bought a few UD palettes that come with the primer potions and I just give them away. I don't feel like it really makes a difference for me personally at all, but I love Too Faced. I also have their glitter glue and it has allowed me to use my pigments way more often because it holds them in place so well.

My HG is the NARS, which honestly only costs $6 more, but they're well worth it. I can really feel the smoothness it brings to my lids. I love that one the most, but out of the other too, I'd recommend the Too Faced if you have oilier lids like mine. The picture here is from Monday after about 5 hours of walking around Disneyland in 80+ degree heat. My eyeshadow didn't budge in the least. Hope you can see it despite my glasses =)

Too Faced.