Rant Time :/ Makeup Artist


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Jul 1, 2012

Dawn G.

It's a profession - working up the "ladder to success" is a climb - what u put in -u will get out of it... Dont try & take the elevator there's so much to see & do in your climb!!!
Okay I used every cliche I could-- all of them true & relevant...
But I'm 42 & have hone into Freelance only a few years ago!! It's passion and a YES to try anything & everything to be on set-shoot-fashion show ...whatever comes your way !! Try it all & find your niche - I will start instructing soon and NEVER dreamt my path would lead me to this point!! :-)) rock it if you got it!! 

Jul 1, 2012

Bec S.

I always look back on what I've accomplished and think "if I knew how hard it was to get here, I don't know if I could have ever started!"

That's the trick of it. You just have to put one foot in front of the other and keep persevering. You don't feel like you're getting anywhere or that it's accumulating and then one day you'll look back and realize that the body of work you've accomplished is way bigger than you realized!

Another thing to appreciate is what you've accomplished so far. What you're doing now was the dream of an earlier version of you. It's important to keep updating your dreams and making your goals bigger so that as you achieve them, you have a place to go beyond that.

I understand your frustration, but becoming an artist takes time. We're always told the stories of people who become wildly successful when they're very young but in reality, those are few and far between. So many of the artists I admire worked and worked at it day in and day out. It's less sexy sounding, but knowing that you're not alone in that journey can be helpful.

When you hit a wall and are frustrated, that's usually a harbinger of good change coming. It's hard at first, but it's what proceeds a breakthrough. Open yourself to that breakthrough and listen. You might find that you're getting encouragement from a place that you overlooked, or didn't think about. Or maybe you'll meet someone new-- a muse, or a photographer, or someone who wakes you up inside and is a great collaborator.

You'll find it! I promise! 

Jul 1, 2012

James C.

Its frustrating when things don't happen right away, I have seen me go through mad rushes where I have stepped off of a plane at midnight coming home from London and working in Edinburgh the next day, to having nothing on the books for two weeks or more.

When it come to shooting, choose the ones that will benefit you. Look at the models, the photographers work and decide if what they are doing is good for you or fits what you need.

With a youtube channel and blog, why not work on that? Bring new dimension to your work by researching magazines and creating looks that you can submit or spend some time doing the networking circuit attending events and talking to people in your area about assisting.

You have years to build your reputation and skills, sometimes the breathing space and time out can be a good thing, it gives you a chance to read up on technique and focus on your marketing. Look at the industry where you are and see whats happening. Don't lose sight of your goals if they don't happen right away.  

Jul 2, 2012

Amanda B.

Andii you are so tallented and passionate it will happen. There will be when one day when youre just begging to rest for 10 minutes. lol

Andii you have a phenomenal passion for the industry and that's great! Like a few other MUA's already said, I wish I knew that this is what I really wanted to do earlier in life. You are incredibly talented, enjoy everything that comes your way but never stop seeking out new mediums and techniques. I have experimented with a lot, but there is still so much I have left to still try. You will experience this throughout your entire career! I was once told by Michael DeVillis that if you come to a place where you feel like you have done and tried everything and you cannot learn anything new, then it's time to find a new career. So you will always have passion and inspiration - guaranteed! You're definitely on the right path <3