What's Your Hair Routine??


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Aug 4, 2013

Carliza B.

State how often you do it and step by step what you do.

once a week..
I do a hot oil treatment for 1/2 hr. wash it out. shampoo (every other week) and condition. deep condition for 5 mins. wash it out with cool water. add detangling spray and coconut oil. let my hairdry halfway and then style. :)

Aug 4, 2013

Angel O.

Currently wash my hair every other day with organix sulfate shampoo& conditioner
and now castor &coconut oil deep conditioner overnight or for 5hrs
wash off my hair and conditionen it

Aug 5, 2013

Symone B.

Usual routine:
Cowash it with Proclaim professional care olive oil conditioner
Let it sit for an hr
Rinse and let it air dry

Egg hair mask with extra Virgin olive oil
-I mix one egg with 1 part olive oil and one part water
Apply to wet hair
Let it sit for an hr
Wash with a bit of shampoo
Condition and rinse
Air dry