Who else can't wear shorts? ('bad' legs)


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Aug 2, 2013

Shantell B.

I have great shape to my legs, but I have scars!

Who else feels like they can't wear shorts and skirts due to imperfections on your legs? (scars, stretch marks, cellulite, veins etc) Please tell me your story! Let's bring each other up!

Aug 2, 2013

Maris V.

When I was 10 I fell off my bike, my knee split open and I had to get stitches but up to this date I'm 22 and I have a scar. It doesn't look ugly or noticeable but I feel like everyone can see it. I rather wear pants over shorts.

Aug 2, 2013

Hannah P.

I used ti feel like that. for the past 3 years especially, I've played a lot more sport. I just came to the conclusion that if I want to wear something, I will. you don't stop anyone else from wearing what they want. the media in general has an impact on how we think. but if you want to wear shorts, wear them!! :-)

Aug 2, 2013

Aileen L.

My legs not bad but I don't wear...only sometime but not too short...my mom scolds me..lol!

Aug 2, 2013

Kylie M.

My legs suck I hate havin them on show I feel fat an short when I do I have scars an cellulite an wide muscular legs.I can't stand gud weather an barein them I would rather hide away with them avoiding beach an swimming pool.I no I'm my own worst enemy with them and ill have to get over it cause my legs will never look as gud as they do now when I 40 with more kids:)

Aug 2, 2013

Shantell B.

Ugh! I want to get to a point in which I am able to wear what I want! Thanks for your comments ladies. :)

Aug 2, 2013

Karuna N.

Me.. I have an ugly birth mark.. I hate it.. :-(

Aug 2, 2013

Aishwarya P.

I think I have fat thighs...so I avoid wearing :)

Aug 2, 2013

Lily H.

@Kylie I feel ya.

Aug 2, 2013

Lily H.

@Aishwarya I have the same prob girly

Aug 2, 2013

Khushbu K.

The bottom half of my legs are skinny and top half is huge with lots if cellulite.. Also I'm super short like only 4' 11".. so shorts makes my feet appear even shorter and fatter..

Aug 2, 2013

Taylor M.

I have chunkier legs but I wear what I want to anyways.

Aug 2, 2013

Isabel M.

I only wear shorts that go to mid thigh or knee length. I'm short, 5' to be exact so shorts are usually kind of saggy for me! I have thicker thighs and a big butt so I really have to do some short trying on before I find the right ones.

Aug 2, 2013

Lauren K.

I can wear them with toning tights, but not without tights, I hate my legs and I have psoriosis scars x

Aug 2, 2013

Shelby B.

I don't wear shorts because of my thighs :/

Aug 2, 2013

Ella C.

I have a bunch of scarring on my thighs from selfharm so I'm always scared that people will judge me because of them :/

Aug 2, 2013

Shelby S.

Lol I still wear shorts. I have scars from my horses, climbing trees as a kid, two knee surgeries, etc. I still rock em cuz I want to (even though I have thunder thighs 😳)

Aug 2, 2013

Lily M.

I have scars unfortunately.

Aug 2, 2013

Katya S.

I have scars on my upper thighs so I don't wear super short shorts but I can still wear shorts.

Aug 2, 2013

Sandy K.

I gained a lot of weight from my first pregnancy. I have stretch marks going down my legs and it's noticeable cause I have tannish skin and the marks are light! I was really self conscience for a long time, but it's just too hot to not wear shorts. I just put on the jergens lotion that adds color to your skin to blend in.

Aug 2, 2013

Carlissa T.

I use to be very self con about my legs because I had a lot of scars on my shins but they went away as I got older I also still have a little but of cellulite on the sides of my thighs but I honestly just got over it because I live in Georgia & it's super hot here so I have no choice but to wear shorts but honestly people don't care I don't think. It's all about your confidence level I'm also eating right & losing weight & people are noticing my legs have gotten smaller & my tummy & I've gotten lots of compliments.

Aug 2, 2013

Sara C.

I have really fat legs :,( and I can only wear longer shorts:,( but I really want to wear short shorts but I feel like they don't look good on me cuz of my legs:,,,,,( I really like high waisted shorts but I can't wear them cuz they're to short they show my fat legs:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(

Aug 2, 2013

Destiny A.

I had a son a year ago. I had preeclampsia, everything swelled. I have 3 strechmarks on the back of both of my knee (where it bends) and I would wear pants all last summer. I thought, instead of pleasing the world, I'd please my own style and wear shorts. I do and have ever since. I'm confident because I know the strechmarks, extra weight, and cellulite were apart of giving birth to a beautiful baby. I am trying to lose weight but until I get the results I want I'll be rocking the shorts and summer dresses :)

Aug 2, 2013

Taylor B.

I've hated my legs just a self conscious thing full of stretch marks from crazy growth spurts and scars from tomboy years. Use a leg spray tan. Don't hate your legs! and if you get real crafty with the tan make your inner and outer thighs darker gives slimming effects like contouring the nose :)

Aug 2, 2013

Sabrina K.

I think my legs look fat :( so I never wear shorts or to short skirts... I wish I could wear shorts :(