Hair Coloring Questions Please Help


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Sep 10, 2012

Jennifer T.

You can always use a deposit-only color to fill it in. Good luck! :)

Sep 9, 2012

Catalina P.

Thank you ladies this really helped (:

Sep 7, 2012

Sarah M.

You're welcome Catalina! I'm glad I could help, even if it was just a little bit!

Sep 7, 2012

Niki C.

If you go to a salon they will fill your highlights with the pigment lost in the lightening process you originally went through, then they will apply the all over color. They might do it all in one step. 

Sep 6, 2012

Catalina P.

Thank you Sarah (: I'll go to my girl I just don't wanna bleach my whole head

Sep 6, 2012

Sarah M.

Go to a professional. They can fill your highlights so that they don't turn out too bright. It creates a more even tone. But you have to tell them you don't want the highlights to show through the burgundy color you're going for. If they don't know what a fill or "filler" is, then get the hell out of there. It's not worth the money if they can't do it right.

Sep 4, 2012

Catalina P.

Ok that wasn't my question tho thanks for your advice but that's. It my question 

Sep 2, 2012

Senkarah R.

If you keep changing your hair color all the chemicals won't grow your hair it will be harder to grow it.

Sep 2, 2012

Catalina P.

(: thanks ladies I'll post pictures up when I do it 

Sep 2, 2012

Cristin H.

Also I meant since your hair is so dark...not light.

Sep 2, 2012

Cristin H.

The lighter parts will be lighter. You might not notice right away but after a few washes you probably will. I think if anything it'll look nicer that way having a little dimension. Also since your hair is so light make sure you're using 20 or 30 volume developer, 10 vol just wont lift your color so if anything it'd just make it go darker. Hope that helps!

Sep 2, 2012

Christina L.

The bleached parts will most likely capture more of the color and be uneven. Personally, I'm not an awesome hair person, so I tend to save my money and get it down professionally. I would just recommend doing that so you have a better chance of having it come out the way you want :) 

Sep 2, 2012

Catalina P.

I'm sorry I couldn't finish it. So as we know red hair fades. I want to do the coloring process but if I color my hair will the parts that are bleach capture more color and leave an uneven burgundy? Please help thanks. I'm thinking about using loreal hi color red hot any help is so appreciated thanks <4

Sep 2, 2012

Catalina P.

Hello (: I have a question about coloring hair. So I want to go burgundy all over. I have natural dark dark almost black long thick wavy hair. In February I got blondish high lights and in July I got red highlights.