Good natural and safe appetite suppressants?


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Sep 20, 2012

Liz R.

One thing I'd look out for is if you take anything, is to make sure it isn't a stimulant! A lot of diet and appetite suppressant pills and supplements can contain stimulants, since they can help decrease appetite. However they can really affect your sleep and make you jittery and restless, and if you already have sleep problems I would definitely watch out! Good luck :)

Sep 20, 2012

Alexis G.

Chewing gum or mints or even a sprig of mint leaf can curb your appetite. Even gargling with mouthwash, because it tricks your brain into thinking "oh I don't want to eat & make my breath smell" lol it works for me. Hope that helped

Sep 20, 2012

Kelly G.

@kayli check w your doc first, but yeah melatonin supplements helped me a lot. Also, sleep hygiene is important. Things like sticking to a sleep schedule, not watching tv in bed, yadda yadda. Google "sleep hygiene". The melatonin won't help really unless your doing the proper behaviors with it too.
Seriously, getting your sleep straight will help a lot. After taking melatonin for the first few months I lost 15lbs just because I wasnt starving all the time. Still, check with your doctor. Melatonin is over the counter but it is a human hormone, so don't just start taking it, especially if you take any other medications or have any medical conditions. Good luck!! 

Sep 20, 2012

Kayli H.

Kelly- That's probably my problem, I struggle with insomnia a lot :/ I do have melatonin pills though, I'll start using them again. Thank you for the lesson though! :)
Latora- Awesome! I'll look into those :) Thank you!

Sep 19, 2012

Latora E.

Raspberry Ketones ( don't quote me on the spelling) ... They are safe and effective , u can get them at your local GMC or Vitamin World ! 

Sep 19, 2012

Kelly G.

Make your calories count. Eat high protien, high fiber, nutrient dense foods.
Also, make sure you are getting enough sleep. Follow me here, because this is going to get technical. If you don't sleep enough, it skews your melatonin production. If your melatonin is skewed it messes with your leptin and gherlin production, which are your hunger and fullness hormones. Pay attention to your appetite on days where you don't sleep enough and you'll notice you're more hungry and you're craving carbs (carbs are broken down to seratonin which is used in melatonin regulation).
Sorry that turned into biology 101! I tried to keep it as easy as possible, but it's kinda complicated. 

Sep 19, 2012

Dianne O.

There is nothing sake for appetite suppressants. Best thing to do is train your self to eat smaller portion and more healthy options. Try six small meals a day and pack it up with veggies fruits and low fat stuff. Cut out soft drink and all those sugars and keep on it and watch in a month your stomache will shrink and you won't be eating so much. But you have to say on that because once you start gorging yourself it goes back to step one.

Sep 19, 2012

Mary P.

I don't think its a good idea to take any appetite suppressants. The best thing to do is to consult your doctor. 

Sep 19, 2012

Kayli H.

I'm looking for something to curb my appetite. I am always hungry and I eat way too much. Anyone know of any good ones? I drink LOADS of water, so that's not really the problem.. Any help is appreciated :)