Feel like Hell, Still Look Fab


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Oct 6, 2012

Kelly G.

Skipping out on your skin care routine? Stress, lack of sleep, medications making your skin look dull?
Check out my latest blog post for the low down on at home peels. Peels are a great way to cut corners on your skin care regimen and make up for neglect. 

Sep 9, 2012

Danielle G.

I like the sound of your blog. I know how hard it is to be seriously unwell for a long period of time and to try and look 'ok' all of the time mainly to stop others from worrying. I'm a new follower x 

Sep 9, 2012

Kelly G.

Hi There

Sincerely Sick, Serious Style.

My name is Kelly, and I write a lifestyle blog about looking fabulous while feeling awful all of the time. My primary audience is people who suffer from chronic illness and therefore don't have a lot of time or energy to take care of their looks. But anyone can benefit from my advice on skin, hair, makeup and nails.

I'm not an industry professional, just a product junkie who has suffered chronic illness since 2007. I've had to learn to take care of my looks with minimal effort, and how to fake looking well when I'm not, haven't been, and won't be any time in the future.

Check me out on


Kelly G.