Are my eyes small an close together?


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Oct 19, 2013

Uh H.

My sister told me that my eyes are too small and close together :-(
I want your guys' honest opinion. And what can I do to make them look bigger?

Oct 19, 2013

Maegan R.

I don't think they're small at all!!

Oct 19, 2013

Jamie D.

I don't think they're small, but I do think they're close together. You're beautiful though, it's not a bad thing!

Oct 19, 2013

Kayla P.

You do have smaller set eyes, yes, but they are beautiful! You look like Arianna Grande :)

Oct 19, 2013

Bethany L.

My honest opinion, they are small, as in, not very wide, but that isn't a bad thing because they're really pretty. and you could use liquid liner to make a wing on the outer eye, that would make them look bigger! I wear liquid liner daily to make mine look bigger. but honestly, don't threat cos they're gorgeous in their own way :)

Oct 19, 2013

Ivonne B.

Yes you do look like Arianna Grande! But your eyes look normal to me.not large just normal

Oct 19, 2013

Ivonne B.

Try nude or white eyeliner to make them look bigger also lashes can change the shape of your eye

Oct 19, 2013

Lily C.

I agree with @bethany!
Usually its from grnetics so tell your sister whos talking ;)
You look fine to me, nothing wrong!

Oct 19, 2013

Sierra B.

I think they are perfect the way they are. :)

Oct 19, 2013

Ava L.

Not too small or close together!!

Oct 19, 2013

Catherine T.

I think they're a little small, but not quite as small as mine :p I use false lashes with liquid eyeliner and it helps so much!!

Oct 19, 2013

Rahmi L.

You look wrong w/ you.

Oct 19, 2013

Angie B.

You are still young and won't stop growing until you're in your 20's, so trust me, things will even out for you.

In the meantime, you can definitely use makeup to your advantage, I.e. winged eyeliner or contouring, as Bethany and Ivonne suggested. But you can also work with your brows to give a wider appearance. You can change your whole look by eliminating a little more hair towards the inside center/nose area, and then angling your brows upwards more (towards the temples), essentially widening your brows, which helps to create the illusion of your eyes being farther apart; while having brows closer together in the center makes your eyes seem closer together.

Just be sure and do it carefully, plucking one hair at a time, while continuously stepping back to check in the mirror... You don't want your brows to be too far apart, like having them start in the center of your eye or something!!

Oct 20, 2013

Lisa A.

They are small and close together but your beautiful.

Oct 20, 2013

Mary T.

To be simple, highlighter in the inner corner and brow and line or shadow outer half of top and bottom of eye. You are very cute tge but there are ways to change your eyes up a bit to widen them a bit. This is something taught in beauty school. Very simple. Research it and look for tips. Sisters are mean!

Oct 20, 2013

Kelly B.

Don't worry about it!! You're really pretty, so it doesn't matter. I think you look a lot like Gretchen from Mean Girls of you've ever seen it. :)

Oct 20, 2013

Kelly B.

Winged eyeliner would help, though.