Glitter brows?


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Oct 7, 2012

Stephanie C.

How do you do the glitter brows? Also whats the best pencil to choose when filling in your brows? I wanna change up my brows a bit instead of drawing them on so dark as shown in the pic. Although I am using brown and not black ;).... I use pencil, brow gel, and concealer to clean them up but they always come out dark! I want them to look more natural cuz they will not grow at all! I have to draw them on!

Oct 7, 2012

Stephanie C.

And im flexing my eyebrows up in this pic like im suprised! Trying to be sexy ;) so the shape is better, its just the expression im making

hey girl :*

so my opinion on glitter brows is that you shouldn't be wearing them out in public unless its a holiday or party.. or basically a good reason too. i do love them and they are really cute with come looks though. how to do glitter brows is very simple. you can start out by priming your brows with a translucent sort of primer, like urban decay's primer potion in original, and then use whatever color eyeshadow on your brows. then apply a glitter primer, like la splash glitter primer, then apply your glitter. most people do sort of like an ombre effect on their brows, i love the way this looks. of course after the glitter, clean up around your brows.
as for your brows, i tell you what i use on mine. i had the same problem as you, my eyebrows were coming out so dark and they just looked weird! i started using a brow cake powder from NYX cosmetics. it seemed to work out really well on my eyebrows, but i would just use it to fill in my brows under the hair. i then started using sonja kasuk's brow kit (can be found at target) and this worked even better for me. the brow stuff isn't powder but it isnt like a gooey gel either. it's somewhere in between. you could try this product with your brows and see how it goes. if not, try finding a brow pencil that isn't soft enough where if you were to start drawing in your eyebrows, it would immediately come out dark. you want an eyebrow pencil thats going to be hard like a pencil eraser hard, so that you can slowly and lightly draw in. until you've tried any of these products, for now what you can do... after you've completely drawn in your eyebrows you can take a tissue and lightly dab at your eyebrows if you feel that they are too dark.
also when drawing in your brows, make sure that you start your brow from the inner corner of your eye to the outer corner of your eye. also make sure that you place your brow slightly above your brow bone.

i hope this helps !! ;*
attached is a picture of of my brows in my latest makeup tutorial for Halloween using the Sonja Kashuk eyebrow kit.
here is the video:

i also have a video on how i did my eyebrows before i had gotten the sonja kashuk palette
here is the video:

oh gurl wear those glitter brows in public if you want. whenever the hell you want. because you want to IS a good reason to.
QueenOfBlending has a few tutorials with glitter brows, so if you watch one of those, you should get a good idea. Eyelash glue works as a sticky base and then you can pile the glitter on top.

and, she's asking how to do them, not when to wear them lol i don't think you get to tell her when and when she can't wear them. she can decide that on her own. wear them whenever she wants if she wants.

Oct 7, 2012

Mary P.

Glitter brows, do it on Halloween only

trust me, if anyone is one of those people who doesn't care what others think and what not, i am. i could care less what others think about me, i have my own style with my clothing, hair, and makeup. i'm not necessarily telling her when to wear the glitter brows, but wearing them to a job interview or to school or to go on a blind date is not a good idea.. in these situations you want to show your true self. and putting an excessive amount of makeup, including glitter brows, is not the way to go.

obviously, nobody would wear it to the job interview, but just telling her when she can't and can't wear them (i dont' do holidays or parties, so) when she didn't ask WHERE, but HOW is not the way to answer her question. if she was asking if she could wear it to a job interview, then okay, no, we answer. you cannot wear glitter brows to a job interview. but she only asked how and that's the only thing i needs to be answered.

Oct 7, 2012

Stephanie C.

Lol thanks ladies! I would wear them yes obviously when appropriate. 

"you shouldn't be wearing them out in public unless its a holiday or party.. or basically a good reason too."

"Glitter brows, do it on Halloween only"

(my post was edited after mary posted her reply)

that is telling her when to wear glitter brows. :p hahahaha. 

Oct 7, 2012

Stephanie C.

I love your brows julia xoxoxo! And I agree with both sides rikki&julia no need to get catty guys we are here to help each other!

just giving her my advice sweetheart! thanks for your input and opinion though!

hope all my advice helps you steph!! xo ;*

Oct 11, 2012

Samantha V.

Pssh i don't think so, I rock glitter brows at least twice a month. I'm just a daring person. I've also worn green, blue and yellow lipstick. I don't care what other people think. I am who I am. If you don't like it, don't keep staring. Haha do what makes you happy.

Oct 11, 2012

Lovelystar J.

first time I've heard of em see how behind I am but sounds like a fun look :)

Oct 11, 2012

Niki C.

So any input on how to create glitter brows?

creating glitter brows its very easy!
-start by brushing out your brows and giving them the shape you want, if it helps, fill your brows in lightly.
-choose the colors you would like to put on your brows, have a similar eyeshadow as the glitter.
-taking a fluffy angled brush or any small brush, apply the eyeshadow to your brows.
-then take any type of glitter adhesive and apply it to your eyebrow lightly.
-finally apply your glitter and you're done! (of course after the messy clean up with the glitter!!)

hope this helps!! xo

my youtube if you would like to check it out!! :)

Oct 12, 2012

Jenn D.

I love glitter brows I wear them often to match my hair

Oct 12, 2012

Jenn D.

I use a pencil or shadow of choice to fill in my brow, then clear eyelash glue over them and then apply glitter

Oct 13, 2012

Michele T.

I was a bit skeptical when I read the request for glitter brows, but Jenn you doll are gorgeous and can obviously rock any look you feel the need to express! Gorgeous Girlie! Love it! Wish I had an ounce of your bravery! If you don't mind would you continue to post these incredible photos and I will happily live vicariously through you! Hopefully, I will pick up some much needed tips along the way! Keep it up!

Oct 13, 2012

Jenn D.

Thank you Michele. You are so very sweet.