Building confidence as a MUA


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Oct 13, 2012

Kaylah G.

Denise is right on it! Especially with the music, I play pandora's "gramatik" station when I work on clients and it totally relaxes me and nearly everyone I work on comments on how soothing it is!
When it comes to confidence, I think everyone's MUA story is unique. I was thrown into the deep side of the industry, my first gig was on accident and at a fashion show in front of thousands of people! The designer was totally intimidating and demanding nothing short of perfection...scary! I wasnt even prepared! With tons of other models and designers and REAL makeup artists watching me, I was shaking! lol! I think because I was thrown into the deep side, the rest seems like a piece of cake to me. At times I still get nervous but I just tell myself, hey its not as bad as my first time! What is working for me, is posting pics of work and building a community of positive MUA's around me. There are tons of people willing to show their support to other artists and I think that is a super confidence booster! Take care, and good luck :)

Oct 11, 2012

Hannah M.

I totally agree with Denise, practice on anyone you can get your hands on. Maybe try working at a makeup counter where you can practice on a variety of skin tones. It might also help if you bring someone you know like a friend or family member along as your "assistant" to the jobs you book. Having them there might calm your nerves and give you support. I still get nervouse every job I go to. I always have a strong idea of what look I am going to do and how I am going to do it (products etc). It seems like the more prepared I am the less nervous I get. Just remember you wouldn't get so nervouse if it wasnt important to you! So keep going! You can do it! <3

HEY HEY!!!!! Have you practiced on your friends? Get as many of them lined up as possible and start beating faces!!! LOL its so you get the hang of being so up close and personal and its with someone you know. xoxoxo P.S. I still get nervous, so I always need music. Anywhere I go if they allow music im playing it, gets me in the mooooood lol good luck gurlfriend! 

Oct 9, 2012

Cliona Q.

I have been told I have talent as a MUA while I was training in various schools and courses but that my confidence would be the only thing to hold me back. And I have found that very true since I finished my courses.

So all you confident MUA's out there... how did you get your confidence level to where it should be? I have been guilty of anxiety and panic attacks over jobs that I have booked and as a result haven't done as good a job as I know I am capable of. I think the "up close and personal" nature of the job intimidates me at times.

Any tips on how to get over this so I can make a proper go of it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks ladies and gents x

Cliona Q.

Limerick, Ireland