Bubbly Nails


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Sep 30, 2012

Evvie P.

For some reason, after a few hours of applying nail varnish, bubbles appear. I usually use Barry M colours but ensure to let each coat dry before applying another coat. For example, I apply a base coat, let that dry, apply one coat of colour, let that dry, apply one more coat of colour and let that dry. I've also tried doing my nails like this but without letting it dry much however, the same outcome occurs. Help please!

Sep 30, 2012

Megan T.

Thats really weird. Is it only with barry m nail polish? X

Sep 30, 2012

Evvie P.

I know right. Mainly Barry M but also a few other colours that I was given as part of a few sets last Christmas. Doesn't happen with my Rimmel nail polishes. I'm so confused why this is happening! x

Oct 1, 2012

Tanya R.

Is it old polish? I found my top coat started to bubble about halfway through the bottle 

Oct 1, 2012

Morgan R.

Use a thinner coat each time. You don't have to use as much polish for one coat.. Because you can always apply a few.

Oct 1, 2012

Kimberly F.

Ive noticed with some brands if i add more then one coat they bubble and peel. Maybe just try base, color, top.

Oct 1, 2012

Mary D M.

Sometimes if u shake the bottle that will happen next time roll the bottle in ur hands, also I've noticed if ur applying a polish when a fan is going the air causes bubbles as well. I'm a nail tech and I'm telling u this because it's happened to me before. Hopefully that will help. Take care and God bless!!

Oct 1, 2012

Evvie P.

Some are about a month old and still bubble.
I apply relatively thin coats but will try to do them even thinner then and also, I'll try the one coat of colour - I'm so used to applying two coats!
Will give the rolling the bottle in my hands a go next time as well.
Thank you girls :)