Dark Elbows


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Jul 22, 2012

Chelsea H.

It should do, I don't see why not! The lemon in it helps :)

Jul 22, 2012

Brianna R.

Will it work for dark upper lip like sorta looks like a mustache? Will it lighten it?

Jul 22, 2012

Chelsea H.

Try Lemony Flutter from Lush. It's a nail/cuticle cream but can also be used on elbows/knees and other dark spots to lighten! http://www.lushusa.com/Lemony-Flutter/02361,en_US,pd.html 

Jul 22, 2012

Non S.

I have a light olive complexion, I rarely go out in the sun & always wear sunscreen. Regardless of the time of the year, or my sun exposure I have dark, hyper pigmented elbows. While, I don't obesses about it, it does bother me-it looks like I have dirty elbows. I am generally in short sleeved shirts for work & because of the temperate climate where I live. They are not dry, just significantly darker than the rest of my skin. Does anyone else have this problem & if so, have you found a good solution. Not only a solution, but a way to keep them lighter once the lightening is accomplished. I am tempted to buy some skin lightening cream from the beauty supply store (and there are tons of brands), but I swear I read that if you use it & stop the problem will return tenfold. I've read the "lemon trick" but honestly, I don't have the patience, nor time to sit with my elbows in the hollows of lemons...any & all feedback is appreciated.