Shampoo help!


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Aug 6, 2012

Olivia P.

Hello everyone. :) So here's my dilemma. I have thin, dry, frizzy hair with an oily scalp. What's the best shampoo to use? What other products can I use?

Aug 11, 2012

Kelly G.

Less about what shampoo than how you shampoo. Make sure you are only washing your roots, and only conditioning your ends. It does take some extra effort in the shower but it will be worth it.
For your dried our hair do two things. One, get a shower cap. Put any conditioner on your ends, put on the shower cap, then go about the rest of your shower business. The shower cap locks in the heat and turns any conditioner into a deep conditioner. Second, a great product is Ojon restorative hair treatment. You put it on dry hair and let it sit. The instructions say 20 mins, but I usually let it sit overnight. It is amazing. Check out the whole ojon dry hair line. It is really great.