Video Editing?


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Aug 29, 2012

Laesha E.

Ive been asking around. I'd love some help with this as well 

@Jacqueline M - yes iMovie is only available for MAC users..

I use iMovie '11 and Final Cut Pro X (if i'm feeling fancy lol - most times i just use iMovie though) On occasion i'll use my husband's computer and we use Sony Vegas Pro on there.. 

Aug 8, 2012

Jacqueline M.

This may be a VERY silly question, so I apologize in advance.. But iMovie is only available for Mac users am I correct? I've been having such trouble with Windows Movie Maker :S

Corel Video Studio Pro X4 <3

Aug 5, 2012

Dana K.

What's your budget? I personally use Windows Movie maker to trim and cut down my videos, just to do the rough editing. And then I use Photoscape to create my title and end slides. Both are free and you can find them on cnet. 

Aug 5, 2012

Alyssa F.

Sony Vegas movie studio HD!(: 

Aug 5, 2012

MiMi A.

What's the best video editing software? I heard of Windows Movie Maker and ezvid. If you use ezvid, is it really good for beauty/makeup tutorials? Because I've only seen it associated with video games. Although they do say it can edit videos. I'm not sure which one is better. What do you use?