One Year On Youtube


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Aug 13, 2012

Jasmine S.

I will check out our channel:-)

New Fashion Guru on Youtube! Check out my channel lovelies:-)

Youtube Channel:
Instagram: lacemystyle
Twitter: @lacemystyle
Blogger: lacemystyle

Aug 13, 2012

Kalynn K.

I am somewhat a new youtuber and I make videos and it would mean so much to me if you guys could check out my videos and/or channel! Check out my channel! :)

Hi Callie,

I would say first take care of the subbies you have now and show them love. You could do some giveaways. Also, if you are placing yourself in the beauty community on youtube, I would recommend that you glam up a bit yourself too. Being pretty pretty is everything on youtube, so make sure you put some foundation, you know glam up a bit. I would recommend that you do more of the tag videos as well. Check out my channel and see how I go about doing my videos, I started out in June. But don't get frustrated, keep going. On my channel, I have 2 playlists MY YOUTUBE STORY HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL ON YOUTUBE, please check them out you will be inspired.

Thank you for the advice. I just subscribed back to your channel :-)

hey, when i asked this question awhile back, i got a few answers so I'll just pass them along XD
1. network like crazy- all of the subs that I have (only 6, but I've only been doing it a few months) have come from beautylish. Post links to your vids and jump in on the "subscriber chains" and try to share the love
2. Do the tags and beauty challenges because those are highly searched, and when I watch, i get suckered in and end up watching a ton at once
3. Do what you're best at so that people can see your skills, and be yourself (i have trouble loosening up still...)
I hope that helps at least a little, but I had no subs until I started following the advice given to me.
Good luck with your channel, I just subbed <3
If you get a chance, plz check mine out?

Hey Everyone,

So I have been on youtube for over a year now and only have 64 subscribers. I cannot help it I jsut get extremely frustrated when I see people have been making videos for less time and have way more subscribers than I do. I was hoping to be at 100 by now but I just cannot seem to get there. What ways do you promote your youtube channel to get more views and more subscribers. It would mean the world to me if you guys could help me out and check out my channel to let me know what I could do differently to get more views. Thanks!

Here is my Channel