Sudocrem for acne scars?


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Aug 30, 2013

Leah G.

I know that sudocrem is probably most well known for babies bottoms! But I've heard that if you dot a thin layer on the scar, it can help to fade it. I was just wondering if you guys had tried this and if it worked!

Aug 31, 2013

Karen H.

Omg sudocream is wonderful! I call it my magic cream I usually put it on pimples all night and I wake up and you can barely notice it I also have but it on scars and it does kinda work it takes time though.

Aug 31, 2013

Sloane M.

I really want to try it!! Keep me updated if you get it

Aug 31, 2013

Leah G.

Thanks Karen! Will keep an update and tell you if it works!