Am I being paranoid?


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Apr 12, 2012

Olivia G.

If your face touches someone who has pimples face, would I breakout. I slept over at my friends house and I was worried about sleeping on her pillow case! Also when I hug people and I accidentally touch their face, is it possible to get pimples from someone else?

Apr 12, 2012

Amelia R.

No, pimples aren't like herpes. You can't just get them from touching someone's face.

lol @ Amelia! Yeah I don't think pimples work like that! 

Apr 14, 2012

Karen H.

lol I wouldn't worry about hugging. As for pillow case, it depends on how clean it is. For people with acne, it's good to change the pillow case once a week. So I hope the one you used was a clean one! :)

Apr 14, 2012

Olivia G.

Ok thanks I guess that makes sense, I am a bit of a germaphobe! But its always good to be safe with makeup!

Apr 15, 2012

Kaylen R.

I wouldn't share makeup with anyone just because of the potential to spread germs, but I don't think it's possible to catch acne. I'd bring your own pillowcase if you're worried about it.