Uneven skin D:


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Jun 24, 2013

Brooke-lynn E.

How can I get rid of uneven skin completion? I have some sun spots from having sun poisoning 2 years ago & dark circles. Any suggestions?

Jun 24, 2013

Shantele V.

sun poisioning?? lol

Jun 24, 2013

Brooke-lynn E.

Yes , like when you stay In the sun too long. You can get blisters , and very sunburned. I still have marks from the blisters.

Jun 24, 2013

Anjenae H.

There's this stick by neutrogena and it supposed even out your skin

Jun 24, 2013

Amber K.

Try African black soap. It's good for evening out skin tone, and getting rid of blemishes.

Jun 24, 2013

Brooke-lynn E.

Thank you guys (: