Makeup Artist Schooling


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Apr 4, 2012

Allie S.

Hey guys! Okay so I am a makeup freak and I think I want to pursue it as a profession but I have no idea where to start. Please help :)

what state do you live in?

Apr 4, 2012

Allie S.


Andrea F.

Jun 1, 2012

Andrea F.

Google is your best friend! There are tons of websites that will show you the schools closest to your zipecode. Just search 'flordia makeup schools' and you can get reviews.... prices.. courses! All that. :) 

Jun 1, 2012

Paloma C.

you honestly dont "need" school..
i believe that its an art and it rewuires a lot of passion and dediction. take a few makeup seminars usually some come with some sort of certificate and then get out there and just do your work.. start freelancing and build up a portfolio.

but it all starts with passion, skills, and dedication


Jun 4, 2012

Mari P.

I agree with Paloma, makeup school for my case is very expensive and since some of the great artists like Kevyn Aucoin have reached the top with out any training why can't I. I have read books like "Making Facen" and "Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual" which give a lot of detail and inside notes from these great artists. 

Jun 5, 2012

Yesenia G.

@Tanya R. I'll be checking out your site. :)

@Allie S. I think it all depends on you. I personally want to learn as much as I can and be as confident as I can be. I will be attending a makeup artistry school. Take a few classes if you can, take tours of school and see the pros and cons of both.
good luck !