Products For Scars That Work Quickly?


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Jun 24, 2013

Ryelle R.

I've got a few scars that have accumulated over the years. are there any products that work quickly and are cheap too? thanks!

Jun 24, 2013

Gurman K.

Are they acne scars

Jun 24, 2013

Karen D.

Mederma for scars is a good one. The price isn't too bad for what it can do.

Jun 24, 2013

Ryelle R.

They aren't acne scars. they are just various cuts/scrapes from being a kid haha. eas kinda a tomboy but now I wanna heal them.

Jun 24, 2013

Gurman K.

Ok maybe you should ask your doctor for a good cream that will work good with your skin.

Kimberly N.

Jun 24, 2013

Kimberly N.

Unfortunately healing old scars is never a "quick" process. If you want quick you are best getting them laser treated but not all scars can be done that way. Bio Oil is still my ultimate number 1 scar eraser but you need to use it diligently and be patient. And if you want to help speed up the process of a topical treatment use it with a dermaroller (home-use version only).