Does foundation have an expiration date??


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May 2, 2012

Consuelo A.

yes mostly all make up has an experatcion date.I agree with Rikki P. if you dont use it alot i recomend replaceing it every 6 months. Dont let it sit for more then that. I also say 6 months because our skin tone changes with the winnter and summer seasons. You dont wanna look pale pasty during summer and all taned up during winnter. Plus think of it like food. Would you let yr mustered sit in yr fridge for more then 6 months?

I only toss mine when it smells funky. However, if it has SPF in it and you rely solely on the SPF, it's best to toss it after a year or so.


The bottle with tell you six months.
Various websites will tell you a year, year and a half.
Other people will tell you to throw it out when the colour changes, it starts smelling funny, doesn't work like it used to, etc. etc. 

May 1, 2012

Cynthia Q.

I was wondering since i know mascara has an expiration date does foundation expire?After a certain amount of time should I get rid of it?