What's wrong with my skin??!!


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Jul 14, 2013

Emily R.

You're welcome! I've done a lot of trial and error with skincare, and between what my dermatologist has told me and my experience, I know the basics of what works for most people. I'm glad I could help!

Jul 11, 2013

Lauren B.

Emily R thanks for putting so much time into that answer! Youve all helped. I was freakin out but it sounds like I should probably just give it a week or two. I posted this 2 days ago and my skins already calming down. I think youre all right, my skin probably had so much crap built up in it and now its getting rid of it all!

Jul 10, 2013

Emily R.

I agree with Lindsay, whenever I start a new skincare regiment, or if I change a step, I usually have minor breakouts for a week or two, and then my skin clears up. My dermatologist says that whenever you alter your skincare routine, do the SAME thing every day for two weeks, if your skin does not start clearing up by the second week, then you should change the product you're using. Usually the breakouts are caused by built up bacteria that is layers under the skin, a new skincare item will bring the impurities to the top and purge the skin. It is good! You want that to happen because it will prevent breakouts later. Also, you really should not sleep in your makeup, it will clog your pore and cause awful breakouts in the future. Always remove your makeup and wash your face before bed, also moisturize before bed, in the morning, or both; whatever suits your skin type best. I hope this helps! I'm obsessed with skincare and I really hope you find a routine that suits you.

Jul 10, 2013

Lindsay M.

Your skin is probably purging the impurities. Give it a couple more weeks to clear. If it doesn't, you probably need to change something.

Jul 10, 2013

Nicole O.

I think your skin is reacting with one of the products you're using. Try by process of elimination (I know, might take some time) but it will help you in long term.

Jul 10, 2013

Lauren B.

Thankyou all so much! This has helped a lot.

Jul 10, 2013

Erin R.

Try your routine without the witch hazel, it burnt my skin and made me break out really badly. Try using a toner with no alcohol.

Jul 9, 2013

Karen B.

Your doing too much too fast!

Jul 9, 2013

Lauren B.

Ok great! Thankyou guys!!

Jul 9, 2013

Krystal L.

Your skin is just adjusting to the new good chamge it will go back to normal don't worry.

Jul 9, 2013

Amanda L.

It's just your skin reacting to the change it'll clear up soon.

Jul 9, 2013

Emily C.

If you never really took good care of your skin, it's going to get worse before it gets better. Don't worry about it. When I started a new cleanser, I had breakouts like no other, now my face is very clear. Just keep doing what you're doing.

Jul 9, 2013

Traci L.

Your skin is going to purge itself it takes atleast a month for your skin to become use to any product an don't over do either cleanse twice a day deep clean at night you don't need a deep cleansing in the morn make sure your using a moisterizer an spf n the day time an that your not alergic to anything n your skin care line if its iching burning or leaves you red its not for you.

Jul 9, 2013

Paige L.

Your face might just be gettinf used to the change.

Jul 9, 2013

Emily K.

Because you're washing your face for often your face could be purging which means your skin cells are turning over faster and the zits under your skin are coming up. If this is the case, keep to your skin care routine for at least a month and it should go away.

Jul 9, 2013

Nadia A.

No it's because your skin is purging and after like a week it will be all clear. it's finally getting the makeup amd dirt out of your skin..keep washing your face and stuff and after about a week if your are still getting NEW pimples, it might be the witch hazel because that broke me out, but works wonders for other people!

Jul 9, 2013

Bozena W.

Witch hazel made me break out horrible so maybe it's the reason...

Jul 9, 2013

Savannah H.

Juliana hit it on the head (pun intended, Bwahaha)! you are stripping all your natural oils out (what protects your skin) still wash it everyday but use only brushes , scrubbers and exfoliaters once a week. Be sure to put back in plenty of moisture too. Your pores work.double time to produce oil if it is stripped of it. Neutrogena has a gentle foaming daily wash that I love ( I get the Walmart brand for 4$) try that as your daily wash and keep using witch hazel, it's a miracle  :)

Jul 9, 2013

Juliana A.

I have good low maintenance skin but recently I decided like you, to go all high maintenance on it and I broke out too. I think it's because you don't need to clean it too much coz you strip away all the oil etc.and your skin works overtime to compensate. use gentle products only, and only when you need them.

Jul 9, 2013

Kattya M.

I don't know girls like the black heads I get it but if she's breaking out all over what if she is allergic to one of the products? Lauren maybe try looking up the products you are using to see if other people got that kind of reactions and if you can change brands (to ones with different ingredients) just to check if it's the routine itself or the specific products.

Jul 9, 2013

Fanny L.

Your skin is just pushing out the dirt settling inside that wasn't bought to the surface. Think detoxing, but for your skin now that you're taking care of it. It will go away eventually once you find the right skincare routine.

Jul 9, 2013

Lauren B.

Oh, so awesome I just found a billion blackheads on NY nose now too! This never happened before!!

Jul 9, 2013

Lauren B.

Do you guys think I keep doing it and it will eventually stop? Or am I just doing it all wrong..?

Jul 9, 2013

Axita S.

I guess yea it would stop after a week or soo...

Jul 9, 2013

Lauren B.

Georgia C. so do you think it will stop after a week of so..?