Hair Damage


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Apr 25, 2012

Keilah K.

I recently relocated to southwest Michigan after living in Coastal Georgia for the past 12 years. I have been told that the water where I live is bad for my hair, I started noticing breakage after 8 months here. Can water really be damaging my hair? If so how do I save it??? HELP!

Apr 25, 2012

Cloey B.

too much water alone is BAD for Anything.. to help save your hair use a good Leave in conditioner B&B is my fave. you can also try Hot oil treatment it could also bring your hair back to LIFE!! 

also try buying a filter for your shower or sink for when you wash your hair it would be less impurities and less damaging. Even though you're using leave ins and hot oils, you're using the same water to rinse and ways your hair!  

Apr 25, 2012

Kendra F.

For a cheap and good oil treatment, you could use olive oil on your whole head before you wash it. I mix olive oil in a few of my conditioners. A really great thing for curly/kinky hair is also pure coconut oil. It adds shine and keeps it moisturized, so it doesn't just have the look of being moisturized but it actually IS. Another thing you should do is check out what types of hair shampoos/ conditioners. Most of the conditioners you are using are probably moisturizing conditioners, but every 4 to 6 weeks or so, you should switch just for that time you're washing your hair to a protein conditioners; it strengthens your strands. A good protein shampoo and conditioner I use is called HAIR. I don't know if it's available in Michigan, but I go to Beauty Supply Warehouse store in Las Vegas and it works wonders and it is only $3.99 for a huge jar. Good luck with your hair and I hope that I have helped 

Apr 26, 2012

Keilah K.


Apr 26, 2012

Laura J.

Hey you, I would also recommend oil masks for your hair if you want to :) There's a post about it in my blog, if you'd like to check it out!

Apr 26, 2012

Rebekka U.

Chavalier gave great advice, investing into a shower filter will do wonders for you hair. Also invest in a Kerastase treatment from your local or favorite salon. These treatments do wonders for you hair and as it is already suffering from breakage I would say go for this kind of TLC.

Apr 27, 2012

Fancie B.

I agree with Kendra and Chavalier. You should get a shower filter and try an oil treatment or start deep conditioning more often