Help clearing acne?


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Jun 30, 2013

Becca K.

My acne isn't terrible, but it is noticeable. Any home remedies or products y'all suggest? Thankss:)

Jun 30, 2013

Sage S.

Just keep a steady routine and exfoliate.

Jun 30, 2013

Sierra L.

Tea tree oil is a great spot treatment. You can get it at cvs.

Jun 30, 2013

Gabrielle J.

I went to the dermatologist and he prescribed me adapalene gel and minocyclene pills. Also I use visine for red marks and scars. It's weird I know but it works.

Jun 30, 2013

Dana S.

Okay this is going to sound really wierd and scientifically it makes no sense but I apply a THIN layer of Vaseline on my face every night and now I am virtually acne free (used to have really bad acne on my cheeks) Vaseline is non-comedogenic so it won't clog pores either. I know it sounds crazy but it works and your skin is moisturizer when you wake up in the morning! My friend introduced me to it and her whole family does it... They have PERFECT skin ( it's sickening lol) yeah that's my recommendation

Jun 30, 2013

Vanessa W.

Toothpaste overnight
Honey+cinnamon mask
African black soap
Pure tea tree oil
Clearasil/cetaphil cleanser

Jun 30, 2013

Haily B.

@Dana S.
Do you wash it off your face when you wake up? And will it smudge all over my pillows when I sleep?:)

Jun 30, 2013

Rebekah W.

Neosporin works really good for me if I have a pimple pop up. Just on the spot that's bad, rub it in, sleep and the next day it should be gone. You should then wash your face with your normal acne/face wash (if you have any). This has done wonders to my face.

Jun 30, 2013

Carabelle R.

If you have acne, don't ever use any more chemicals on the affected area! It will irritate the skin. Use home made skin care recipes. Eg. Oat cleanser, Honey and Cinnamon mask. I'm uploading some pictures for DIY organic skin care recipes to rid acne! Do check out the photos and leave a comment if you need help!

xo Carabelle

Jun 30, 2013

Isabel M.

Try going to the dermatologist?

Jun 30, 2013

Lauren T.

I had acne like yours and nothing was working. If your skin is like mine, you probably need something stronger than a face wash that you can purchase at a drug store. I suggest BeautiControl. It totally cleared up my skin, and it's 99% natural.

Jul 1, 2013

Dana S.

@Haily B. I never find it on my pillow and it absorbs into the skin by the time it is morning for me:)