No I Don't Smoke, I'm Just Addicted to Bronzer


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Mar 5, 2012

Robyn S.

I love my spray bronzer/ tanner, but my nails always suffer for it! I don't want to look like a complete idiot and have a bronze cuffs at my wrists so of course I spray away. I've come to the conclusion that my nails must always be painted because they just turn so yellow and I don't want to walk around looking like that! Any one have any similar problems?

Ps check out my blog:

Mar 5, 2012

Jae S.

Hmmmm perhaps not paint them but place a simple base coat on top of your nails to prevent staining.

Mar 7, 2012

Gracey W.

I have that problem too! But it's because I go to a tanning bed :/ bad i know :( it's a guilty pleasure and I'm going to stop after prom. Anyway, I haven't tried it yet but I heard soaking them in lemon juice or rubbing lemon wedges on them is supposed to help. 

Maybe if you put vaseline on your nails before you use your spray tan, it'll help protect them and then wash off? And you can always buff out the nails to help get rid of the yellowing.

Mar 7, 2012

Robyn S.

Thanks! I was soaking them in diluted bleach!

Mar 15, 2012

Anjum C.

Or maybe you could just stop tanning... But if that's not an option, you could do something to protect them with something to put over them. Like a band-aid or something. Or, you could wear gloves when you use the tanner and then go back and do you hands carefully later. Also, I heard that baking soda helps to remove stains. I guess you can google that one, though...

instead of soaking them in diluted bleach why don't you try the nail whitening tabs you can get at the beauty supple (sally's). 

Robyn S.

My heart lives in Georgetown Ct